If you like to open games with the intention of testing units in a sandbox, you tend to change a lot of options such as:
Cheats: enabled
Fog of war: none
Game speed: Adjustable
Game mode: Sandbox
Teams: unlocked
To make things easier to make a game go back to ranked settings instantly, there's a default settings button in the FAF lobby (to the right of the observer button).
I discovered after one of these voluntary bug testing sessions (new patch and Nomads), that I could no longer use Alt-F2 to open the unit spawner window. I troubleshot everything from my mods, to game settings, and found that deleting my game.prefs file (C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\Game.prefs) restored my ability to use the unit spawn window. I wound up doing this multiple times and I got tired of needing to spend time to redo my keybinds and settings and templates. I studied the game.prefs file and found the entry related to Alt-F2 and that debug window and made a note of it.
- Code: Select all
profile = {
current = 1,
profiles = {
UserDebugKeyMap = {
['Alt-F2'] = 'debug_create_unit',
Testing confirmed that the default settings button altered the organization of the game.prefs file, moving various sections around, including the line above. Further testing showed that GAZ_UI, with just a few options enabled like Force Render Enemy Life Bars and Reclaim window enabled, does not cause the issue. The issue is caused from rebinding commands to new keys, which GAZ_UI lets you do (F1 key).
So, my suggestion is to make pressing that Default settings button do the bare minimum to just make a game ranked.
Cheating: Off
Fog of War: Explored
Game Speed: Normal
Prebuilt: Off
Game mode: Assassination
It shouldn't modify keybinds, nor even the unit limit. It should just do what it says it does, return to settings that would make the match ranked. Either GAZ_UI could use a rewrite or this, but in the meanwhile, if you use GAZ_UI and rebind your keys, don't ever press the Default Settings button, unless you have your game.prefs file backed up.