Unresponsive chat box in game

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Unresponsive chat box in game

Postby noms » 04 Dec 2012, 01:48

Well I formatted my C: and reinstalled Windows XP SP3, FA (downloaded from steam) then FAF.

I recently came across a new issue where my in game chat box is non responsive (cannot type anything). Previously never had this problem. At some point during a game I press ENTER to bring the chat box up but when I start typing nothing appears. Eventually it works again, then it stops working again etc. It seems to switch on and off at random intervals.

Update: Just tried reinstalling FA again and the chat box issue remains. This is now becoming even more annoying than the "lobby crash on player join" issue.

Maybe I should reinstall FA from the CD or do another fresh install of Windows.

Has anyone else had this issue and managed to resolve it?
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Re: Unresponsive chat box in game

Postby noms » 08 Dec 2012, 13:06

Confirmed issue is fixed after reinstalling windows and FAF! :D
Posts: 118
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