Hello, I have a problem with Forged Alliance. I recently re-bought this game as I had lost my cd and cd key ages ago and installed it just yesterday. I went straight to multiplayer but found out I had to get FAF to get some decent games going so I downloaded it, installed it etc. At first I was seeing red pings, 'nil' and 0 pings and was told I was having connection problems even though I am the only one using up the internet connection and it's a 100mbps connection. I could still connect to some players but most of the time I'd get red 0's. I checked the wiki and tech support forum and found out about the UPnP feature in the settings, I turned that on and it seemed like I could play, I played a custom 2v2 game and it went very smooth, absolutely no problems. I took a break for a couple of hours, I hadn't change anything and I went to play but suddenly I couldn't connect to any games and the few for which I could connect all of the other players had red pings and 0's. I tried turning on and off my firewall in combination with the UPnP setting but it did absolutely nothing. I didn't try port-forwarding because when I try to port-forward it gives me an error that I'm not allowed to open ports on my network. If anyone knows what's the matter here please tell me or point me in the general direction in which I should be looking. Thank you.
These are the logs: FAFOREVER LOG- http://pastebin.com/kQAy346u
GAME LOG- http://pastebin.com/5W1f491X (in this game I managed to connect to the host and then another guy joined but his ping was 0 for me, I then quit the game in the lobby.