Adaptive Furious Road
Supporting Documentation
I wanted to create a desert wasteland inhabited by a resident warlord, with different levels to fight on and have open spaces too, my original concept was to not have any start bases, but you had to go and take an existing mass deposit base which has minimal defences (2x T1 PD and 1 T2 AA) then across the map between the teams lies the warlords territory, which has 2 bases with mass and a hydro each.
Warlords Base

Mex Base

My original concept was to only have mass in the mass bases, to make the map feel like a wasteland, but because this will only encourage turtle gameplay, I placed mass around the map to counter this and added 2 core mass spots with the option for 4 and 6, I also reduced the amount of mass in the mass bases from 4 to 2 so it will still have strategic importance, and be worth the time spent knocking out the defences, as a bonus the mass bases have wreckage mex on the mass spots so you get +50% build.
I must say that I am a noob so take my ideas on strategises on that basis, but I will attempt to out line some useful ideas. To deal with the anti air transport rush I have placed defences, now while approach from the air is near impossible at the start, T1 artillery and an engineer are very effective, there is a line of air defences across the map but no PD's in places so there are gaps to exploit with land units

Red line = route with no PD's
Blue line = defence line
Blue dots = mass bases with PD's + AA's

Adaptive Options
Underlined = Default
Core mexes
2, 4
Original mexes
adds mex spread around the map
ON or OFF.
Extra mexes at mex bases
adds 2 extra mass to mass bases ON or
Warlords bases
Off, Spawn as wreckage,
Spawn active.
Warlords Defences
Off, spawn wreckage or active
Level 1 – T1 PD T2 AA,*
Level 2 – T2 PD T2 AA,
Level 3 – T3 PD T3 AA.
* Active
Conclusion and further ideas
Overall I am happy with how this map has turned out and I enjoyed the process of making it to, I do have some ideas moving forward, I would like to have units patrolling the warlords base if that's possible?
Or i even toyed with the idea of the 2 bases being occupied by Ai but this would have given any player spawning in those positions an unfair advantage over the other slots because they would need to spawn with defences and units already set up, maybe something for an unranked version, I also like the idea of piggy in the middle play with a 3rd team acting as the warlord with their objective of just defending their territory like a survival map with teams 1 and 2 trying to take each other out and the warlord,
If by some miracle I do win the contest I would be happy to make a proper ladder fix, for starters I would remove defence line and the warlords bases would become Army 3 and 4 so you would have a front / side player and rear player. I would probably keep the defences at the mass bases.

I would be open to considering other ideas for a possible ladder fix if needed.