You have until the 8th of Feburary, at 10pm AESTCountdown Timer: a 5km map and submit the name here. The best map authors will be given prizes.1st Place: The "Grand Sculptor" Avatar: 
2nd Place: Factional Face Avatar (Or 3rd Place Prize)
3rd Place: Factional Logo Avatar
Special rule: maps with viable setups for mutiple players (2v2, 3v3, 4v4) will be given preference over those that do not have them. (for team matchmaking) If you feel you cannot make that work: don't harm the quality of your map by trying, It's all optional.
You may only submit one map per author.
Maps already in the vault at the time of posting may not be submitted.
Maps that are currently in progress may be submitted.
Remasters or Remakes of any kind may not be submitted.
Content is judged by an opinion panel, and like last time I expect that panel to consist of high level players, FAF councilors, and Ladder Team members. To avoid conflicts of interest, opinions of users who have also entered into the competition will not be considered.
There are still mutiple objective requirements. Make sure your content abides by them. Any map found to not meet these requirements will be instantly disqualified and I will not be showing any leniency.
Any theme/biome is permitted. (eg Ice, Evergreen, etc)
Any player count is permitted.
No Mass Deposit or Hydrocarbon Deposit limit
No Decal, Prop, or Strata Layer (texture) limit.
Textures missing normal maps, or with an albedo map instead of a normal map unless in very specific cases will be considered a "broken" map, and be disqualified.
Any map name is permitted. Remember to abide by the client rules.
The map must function correctly in the vault/lobby and be completely free of bugs.
- Furthermore, the Mass/Hydrocarbon Deposits must be placed on their decal correctly, and must not be misaligned.
The map must be balanced for competitive play.
- Minor misalignments will be overlooked. Intentional unbalances will result in a DQ.
Finally; tips for beginners:
Use the time given to you to create a competitive entry. Maps started and submitted in the first couple of days will most likely not win a podium position.
You should make sure your textures blend well together and revolve around a theme/biome.
Make sure they're not overscaled and look good from any zoom level.
You should decal your map, and make it very well detailed. adjust the LOD to make sure different decals appear only at certain zoom levels.
Make sure you don't overscale your decals too, and make use of the no decal limit.
Make sure your decals don't show a repeating pattern or are clearly identifiable, you should use other decals to hide them.
Set up your lighting (I'll know if you don't.) and make it fit your textures, highlight your decals, and fit your theme.
If you have water, do the same as above (again, ill know.)
You should make your reclaim look natural, thematic, and dont overuse it.
You should make your mass points look natural too, and distribute them to guide your players.
It's the season for 5km now that snipe mode is out of the game, so it's time to capitalise.
Also; give me back my TD role, you cowards.