Unhandled exception in game LOBBY

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Moderators: FtXCommando, Stups

Unhandled exception in game LOBBY

Postby SimilarBoy » 01 Sep 2012, 23:00

Sometimes while in the game lobby I get the following error and game crashes, I hope someone can help me.

This only happens in the game lobby, never while in game (once game is launched). It came with all versions of FAF I've tried so far.

I've also tried reinstalling both FA and FAF but it still happens.

Code: Select all
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x00081007
    attempted to read memory at 0x00081007

Program : C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
Cmd line arguments : /ratingcolor 87878787 /numgames 33 /mean 1714.31 /deviation 187.624 /init init_faf.lua /savereplay gpgnet://localhost/298798/SimilarBoy.SCFAreplay /nobugreport /gpgnet

   Unknown symbol (address 0x00081007)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x007c2a24)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x0110442f)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x0028faaf)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e6377b)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63767)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63647)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e6365b)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e636fb)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e636e7)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e636d3)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e636bf)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e636ab)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63697)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63683)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63afb)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63ae7)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e639c7)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e639db)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63a7b)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63a67)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63a53)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63a3f)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63a2b)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63a17)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63a03)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63cfb)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63ce7)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63cd3)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63cbf)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63b87)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63b9b)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63c3b)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63c27)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63c13)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63bff)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63beb)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63bd7)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63bc3)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63ebb)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63ea7)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63e93)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63e7f)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63d47)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63d5b)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63dfb)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63de7)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63dd3)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63dbf)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63dab)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63d97)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11e63d83)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11f5abfb)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11f5abe7)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11f5abd3)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11f5abbf)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11f5aa87)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11f5aa9b)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11f5ab3b)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11f5ab27)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11f5ab13)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11f5aaff)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11f5aaeb)
   Unknown symbol (address 0x11f5aad7)

Last 100 lines of log...

info: LOBBY: Adding peer "Dim83" [grm83-1-78-224-212-27.fbx.proxad.net:6112, uid=25349]
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: LOBBY: Adding peer "Lenkas" [93-103-75-225.dynamic.t-2.net:6112, uid=550]
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: LOBBY: connection to "Topdog" [ip-90-186-0-58.web.vodafone.de:38679, uid=20831] made, status=Connecting.
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: Extracting mesh blueprints.
info: Modding blueprints.
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0305_desc>Sonar Platform
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xss0304_desc>Submarine Hunter
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0303_desc>Aircraft Carrier
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC ues0201_desc>Destroyer
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC urs0302_desc>Battleship
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC ues0305_desc>Sonar Platform
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC urs0203_desc>Attack Submarine
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC urs0103_desc>Frigate
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xas0306_desc>Missile Ship
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xas0204_desc>Submarine Hunter
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0304_desc>Strategic Missile Submarine
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC ues0401_desc>Experimental Aircraft Carrier
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC ues0304_desc>Strategic Missile Submarine
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0302_desc>Battleship
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC ues0302_desc>Battleship
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC urs0304_desc>Strategic Missile Submarine
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xes0307_desc>Battlecruiser
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xss0303_desc>Aircraft Carrier
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xss0302_desc>Battleship
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xss0203_desc>Attack Submarine
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xss0202_desc>Cruiser
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xss0201_desc>Destroyer
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xss0103_desc>Frigate
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0203_desc>Attack Submarine
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC ues0202_desc>Cruiser
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0201_desc>Destroyer
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xac0101_desc>Aeon Boat
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xrs0205_desc>Counter-Intelligence Boat
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC ues0103_desc>Frigate
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC urs0202_desc>Cruiser
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0103_desc>Frigate
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xrs0204_desc>Submarine Killer
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC ues0203_desc>Attack Submarine
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xes0205_desc>Shield Boat
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0202_desc>Cruiser
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC urs0303_desc>Aircraft Carrier
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xes0102_desc>Torpedo Boat
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0102_desc>Air Attack Boat
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0401_desc>Experimental Battleship
info: Registering blueprints...
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to grm83-1-78-224-212-27.fbx.proxad.net:6112.
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to 93-103-75-225.dynamic.t-2.net:6112.
info: LOBBY: rejecting unexpected connection from grm83-1-78-224-212-27.fbx.proxad.net:6112
info: LOBBY: rejecting unexpected connection from 93-103-75-225.dynamic.t-2.net:6112
info: LOBBY: "ArianVril" [p57BDD0D6.dip.t-dialin.net:6112, uid=21077] has established connections to: 550, 985, 10907, 20264, 20392, 20831, 25349, 28658
info: NET: using deflate compression for receives from d192-24-29-98.nap.wideopenwest.com:6112
info: LOBBY: connection to "rusty887" [d192-24-29-98.nap.wideopenwest.com:6112, uid=10907] made, status=Connecting.
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to p5B14DA3D.dip.t-dialin.net:63909.
info: LOBBY: rejecting unexpected connection from p5B14DA3D.dip.t-dialin.net:63909
info: LOBBY: "Topdog" [ip-90-186-0-58.web.vodafone.de:38679, uid=20831] has established connections to: 550, 985, 10907, 20264, 20392, 21077, 25349, 28658
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: LOBBY: "rusty887" [d192-24-29-98.nap.wideopenwest.com:6112, uid=10907] has established connections to: 550, 985, 20264, 20392, 20831, 21077, 25349, 28658
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from

Apologize for any mistake, English is not my main language.

Thank you
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Re: Unhandled exception in game LOBBY

Postby Typo91 » 27 Oct 2012, 00:46

I have the SAME problem

EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x007c2a24
attempted to read memory at 0x00000008

Program : C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
Cmd line arguments : /ratingcolor c6c6c6c6 /numgames 117 /mean 1685.55 /deviation 89.4081 /init init_faf.lua /savereplay gpgnet://localhost/394441/Typo91.SCFAreplay /nobugreport /gpgnet

Unknown symbol (address 0x007c2a24)
Unknown symbol (address 0x0110442f)
Unknown symbol (address 0x0028faaf)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60afb)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60ae7)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e609c7)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e609db)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60a7b)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60a67)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60a53)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60a3f)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60a2b)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60a17)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60a03)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e6093b)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60927)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60807)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e6081b)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e608bb)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e608a7)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60893)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e6087f)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e6086b)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60857)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60843)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e6077b)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60767)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60647)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e6065b)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e606fb)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e606e7)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e606d3)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e606bf)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e606ab)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60697)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60683)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e605bb)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e605a7)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60487)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e6049b)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e6053b)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60527)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60513)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e604ff)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e604eb)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e604d7)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e604c3)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e603fb)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e603e7)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e602c7)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e602db)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e6037b)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60367)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60353)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e6033f)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e6032b)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60317)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60303)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e6023b)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60227)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e60107)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e6011b)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e601bb)
Unknown symbol (address 0x11e601a7)

Last 100 lines of log...

info: Lobby: Can't show map positions as size field isn't in scenario yet (must be resaved with new editor!)
info: Starting background task "Map loader /maps/3v3 sand box.v0001/3v3 sand box.scmap"
info: Background task "Map loader /maps/3v3 sand box.v0001/3v3 sand box.scmap" running.
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: Active game mods for blueprint loading: \000{ }
info: Loading blueprints...
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to 5ac15b55.bb.sky.com:6112.
info: LOBBY: rejecting unexpected connection from 5ac15b55.bb.sky.com:6112
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to cpe-75-82-39-121.socal.res.rr.com:5025.
info: LOBBY: rejecting unexpected connection from cpe-75-82-39-121.socal.res.rr.com:5025
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to 50-90-43-98.res.bhn.net:6112.
info: LOBBY: Adding peer "TheHindenburg11" [50-90-43-98.res.bhn.net:6112, uid=26179]
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to 5ac15b55.bb.sky.com:6112.
info: LOBBY: Adding peer "Yashimu" [5ac15b55.bb.sky.com:6112, uid=27412]
info: LOBBY: Adding peer "Chomolungma" [cpe-75-82-39-121.socal.res.rr.com:5025, uid=28884]
info: Extracting mesh blueprints.
info: Modding blueprints.
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0305_desc>Sonar Platform
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xss0304_desc>Submarine Hunter
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0303_desc>Aircraft Carrier
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC ues0201_desc>Destroyer
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC urs0302_desc>Battleship
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC ues0305_desc>Sonar Platform
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC urs0203_desc>Attack Submarine
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC urs0103_desc>Frigate
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xas0306_desc>Missile Ship
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xas0204_desc>Submarine Hunter
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0304_desc>Strategic Missile Submarine
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC ues0401_desc>Experimental Aircraft Carrier
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC ues0304_desc>Strategic Missile Submarine
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0302_desc>Battleship
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC ues0302_desc>Battleship
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC urs0304_desc>Strategic Missile Submarine
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xes0307_desc>Battlecruiser
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xss0303_desc>Aircraft Carrier
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xss0302_desc>Battleship
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xss0203_desc>Attack Submarine
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xss0202_desc>Cruiser
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xss0201_desc>Destroyer
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xss0103_desc>Frigate
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0203_desc>Attack Submarine
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC ues0202_desc>Cruiser
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0201_desc>Destroyer
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xac0101_desc>Aeon Boat
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xrs0205_desc>Counter-Intelligence Boat
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC ues0103_desc>Frigate
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC urs0202_desc>Cruiser
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0103_desc>Frigate
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xrs0204_desc>Submarine Killer
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC ues0203_desc>Attack Submarine
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xes0205_desc>Shield Boat
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0202_desc>Cruiser
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC urs0303_desc>Aircraft Carrier
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC xes0102_desc>Torpedo Boat
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0102_desc>Air Attack Boat
info: Adding wreckage information to \000<LOC uas0401_desc>Experimental Battleship
info: Registering blueprints...
info: NET: using deflate compression for receives from 50-90-43-98.res.bhn.net:6112
info: LOBBY: connection to "TheHindenburg11" [50-90-43-98.res.bhn.net:6112, uid=26179] made, status=Pending.
info: NET: using deflate compression for receives from 5ac15b55.bb.sky.com:6112
info: LOBBY: Got join (name="TheHindenburg11", uid=26179) from 50-90-43-98.res.bhn.net:6112
info: LOBBY: connection to "Yashimu" [5ac15b55.bb.sky.com:6112, uid=27412] made, status=Pending.
info: LOBBY: "TheHindenburg11" [50-90-43-98.res.bhn.net:6112, uid=26179] has established connections to: 1193, 27412, 28884, 30361
info: LOBBY: Got join (name="Yashimu", uid=27412) from 5ac15b55.bb.sky.com:6112
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FAF User Name: Typo91

Re: Unhandled exception in game LOBBY

Postby noms » 26 Nov 2012, 03:29

I also have the same error with identical error message to "Typo91". I get crashes when I am hosting a game (not when I join other people's lobbies). Luckily it never crashes while in the game itself!

BTW I currently use four mods: GAZ_UI, hotbuild, hotstats and mexmanager.

I am considering doing a fresh reinstall of Windows XP SP3, FA and FAF (and try hosting with no mods installed).

Previously I tried to reinstall FAF only but that did not fix the lobby crash problem.


'Glennc1' said this problem was a bug with FAForever.exe and it could not be fixed but I hope that is not the case. He has yet to give me the source of the thread where he read this information.

The only other thing I can think of is a few months ago I had a malware problem which could have corrupted something in my Windows directory.
What versions of Windows are you guys using and have any malware issues?

I also tried running sfc /scannow and was prompted to insert my Windows CD.

Will first try reinstalling Java, then Windows XP SP3, then Windows 7. Hopefully one of these will fix it.
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Re: Unhandled exception in game LOBBY

Postby Voodoo » 29 Nov 2012, 13:58

Check out the steam version of FA. Not the solution to your error, but it's an easy thing to downloaf FA via steam and maybe it's working then.
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Re: Unhandled exception in game LOBBY

Postby noms » 04 Dec 2012, 01:44

Well I formatted my C: and reinstalled Windows XP SP3, FA (downloaded from steam) then FAF.

Hosted a few games and still get occasional crashes when certain players join.

Maybe I should reinstall FA from the CD or do another fresh install of Windows...
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Re: Unhandled exception in game LOBBY

Postby noms » 08 Dec 2012, 02:26

Just discovered this page:

http://www.faforever.com/mediawiki/inde ... _solutions

I just tried opening UDP port 6112 on my router... Anyone know any UDP port testing links?
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Re: Unhandled exception in game LOBBY

Postby Ze_PilOt » 08 Dec 2012, 12:33

noms wrote:Well I formatted my C: and reinstalled Windows XP SP3

Microsoft dropped XP support this year I think, and it's not supported by FAF (it may works, but I won't support it).

You are using a 11 years old OS, you shouldn't be surprised if you got problem on modern hardware :)
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Unhandled exception in game LOBBY

Postby noms » 09 Dec 2012, 15:02

Ze_PilOt wrote:
noms wrote:Well I formatted my C: and reinstalled Windows XP SP3

Microsoft dropped XP support this year I think, and it's not supported by FAF (it may works, but I won't support it).

You are using a 11 years old OS, you shouldn't be surprised if you got problem on modern hardware :)

People with Windows 7 are also reporting lobby crashes so I don't think it is the O/S.

It only crashes when I am hosting a game, usually when the 4th player joins in a 2v2 for example. If I immediately rehost and that same person (who caused it to crash before) joins they will be able to connect fine. Also, once the game actually begins it NEVER crashes.

UDP Port Forwarding

Perhaps the problem is with my ADSL modem/router (Billion 7404 VGP). I have set up port forwarding for certain TCP ports (eg. uTorrent) and UDP 6112 (FAF) but the various websites I use to check port status tell me the ports are closed (the TCP ones at least)

I downloaded Microsoft PortqueryUI to check UDP port status and here are the results:

Starting portqry.exe -n xxx.xxx.xx.xxx -e 6112 -p UDP ... (where xxx.xxx.xx.xxx = my IP address)

Querying target system called:


Attempting to resolve IP address to a name...

IP address resolved to xxx.xxx.xx.xxx.dyn.iinet.net.au


UDP port 6112 (unknown service): LISTENING or FILTERED
portqry.exe -n xxx.xxx.xx.xxx -e 6112 -p UDP exits with return code 0x00000002.

Does this mean it is open or closed???


And a section of the game log: (note rejected connection 11 lines from the bottom):

info: LOBBY: rejecting unexpected connection from pool-108-7-208-49.bstnma.fios.verizon.net:6112

Code: Select all
debug: MEM: -5247026 bytes STIMap
debug: MEM: -5247026 bytes LoadTexturing
debug: MEM: -5247026 bytes WaterMask
debug: MEM: -12252683 bytes TERRAIN
info: Background task "Map loader /maps/scmp_015/scmp_015.scmap" finished.
info: LOBBY: "MattTheK" [, uid=21797] has established connections to: 21955, 22103, 24861
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to h184-60-171-117.kgldga.dsl.dynamic.tds.net:6112.
info: LOBBY: Adding peer "Sinister" [h184-60-171-117.kgldga.dsl.dynamic.tds.net:6112, uid=21955]
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: NET: using deflate compression for receives from h184-60-171-117.kgldga.dsl.dynamic.tds.net:6112
info: LOBBY: connection to "Sinister" [h184-60-171-117.kgldga.dsl.dynamic.tds.net:6112, uid=21955] made, status=Connecting.
info: LOBBY: "Sinister" [h184-60-171-117.kgldga.dsl.dynamic.tds.net:6112, uid=21955] has established connections to: 21797, 24861
info: Minimized true
info: Minimized false
info: Minimized true
info: Minimized false
info: LOBBY: "MattTheK" [, uid=21797] has established connections to: 21955, 24861
info: Minimized true
info: LOBBY: deleting unknown peer uid 22103.
info: Minimized false
info: Minimized true
info: LOBBY: "MattTheK" [, uid=21797] has established connections to: 21955, 22103, 24861
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: received nat packet from
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to pool-108-7-208-49.bstnma.fios.verizon.net:6112.
info: LOBBY: rejecting unexpected connection from pool-108-7-208-49.bstnma.fios.verizon.net:6112
info: LOBBY: "Sinister" [h184-60-171-117.kgldga.dsl.dynamic.tds.net:6112, uid=21955] has established connections to: 21797, 22103, 24861
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to pool-108-7-208-49.bstnma.fios.verizon.net:6112.
info: LOBBY: Adding peer "Romsi" [pool-108-7-208-49.bstnma.fios.verizon.net:6112, uid=22103]
info: NET: using deflate compression for receives from pool-108-7-208-49.bstnma.fios.verizon.net:6112
info: LOBBY: connection to "Romsi" [pool-108-7-208-49.bstnma.fios.verizon.net:6112, uid=22103] made, status=Connecting.
info: Minimized false
info: LOBBY: "Romsi" [pool-108-7-208-49.bstnma.fios.verizon.net:6112, uid=22103] has established connections to: 21797, 21955, 24861
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FAF User Name: noms

Re: Unhandled exception in game LOBBY

Postby noms » 20 Dec 2012, 09:24


I downloaded PFPortchecker (which can accurately check whether UDP ports are open or not):

http://portforward.com/store/back296/PF ... 1.0.39.exe

Turned off the firewall. UDP Port 6112 shows 'open'
Turned on firewall. UDP Port 6112 shows 'closed'

So i set an option in my Zonealarm firewall to open the port. Hopefully this will fix my lobby crashes.

Im going to test now.

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Re: Unhandled exception in game LOBBY

Postby ColonelSheppard » 20 Dec 2012, 09:43

noms wrote:People with Windows 7 are also reporting lobby crashes so I don't think it is the O/S.

well, the problem is that you cannot say it for sure if it is the OS or the client and that's like you know that your computer does not work but you do not know if it is the mainboard or the CPU and you dont have another CPU to try

did you try reinstally from CD?
try playing on steam and see what happens
disable windows xp firewall if you're using (i had that once with Rise of Nations years ago: xp firewall was blocking it without giving any comment)

that's what i would do
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