What is this?
For a while now I have been tinkering with the concept of 'invitationals', These are typically smaller, more curated events not exactly open to the public (hence the invitation part).
This is to be the first iteration of this idea that I intend to implement, and will take the form of the classic 1v1 best of 15 scenario.
How this works/Rules
Once a month I will select two participants to take part, from there terms will be negotiated between the two players and I as to how the fight will take place.
This will include but is not limited to:
-When the event will take place
-The map it will take place on
-Any additional mods or restrictions
Due to the close-knit nature of these events rules will be mostly handled on a case by case basis however both FAF's and FAF's tournament rules will be in effect where applicable.
The winner of each event will receive this Tournament Winner avatar (may be subject to change) and a Steam game worth ~$20
Tips & Tricks
Spoiler: show
With all that being said I will be beginning my search for the first two participants, when the details have been finalised they will be posted at least one week before the event is due to start.