Tournament Director: [e]Tokyto_

6th of January, 17:00 CET
IRC channel: #EquilibriumTourney
Bracket and Matchups:
This is a 2v2 tournament with 3500 combined global rating limit and Equilibrium balance mod.
How to SIGN UP:
To sign up, post your name below or use the challonge link to: If you do not have a forum account, contact a Tournament Director, he will proxy sign you up (Tokyto_). If you have any questions contact a Tournament Director, please don't clutter the thread. Thank you.
You can sign up as a team, or alone. If you sign up alone, a team-mate will be picked for you when the tourney starts.
When signing up, pick a name for your team, if you dont you will get one assigned for you. Don't worry, they will be great!
Prize pool:
First place: Fixed In Equilibrium Avatar

Second place: Faction Face Avatar + 5 Euros for EACH member of the team!
Third place: Faction Logo Avatar
Tournament style:
Double elimination (If there are less than 8 participants the tournament will be played Swiss style).
Tournament rules:
Spoiler: show
Maps: - added sometime soon
Current sign ups:
[BC]Blackheart & HighLander-TX
[ONI]hirschy & [BFA]Okpuck
resiina & Antr0x
AchievedJaguar8 & This_Guy
theeggroll & Farmsletje
ColdBox & Lone_Ninja
SpeedyGonzales & SuicidalCybran
Cyrax93 & Jabka
sendmedempicsss & UpAGsaArs
IcyKnightmare & NubFriedRice
Strogo & BlinChik
Morax & BrandedToKill
Doqqel & Yuditeam
Determination & ZLO
SDC]TriAngel & CyBopoB_
[PLD]MagneticTherapy & nIrVaNaNoNsToP
[BAW]ThunderChild & [BFA]MoMo-Uchiha
GFY_Deponny & KungFuPanda
YuriIvanov has agreed to cast this tourney: ... GUiekDQ3Hg
Thanks to Exotic_Retard for making custom avatar and custom poster and the anonymous donator to the tourney prize pool!