Tournament Director: [e]Tokyto_

17th of June, 17:00 CEST
IRC channel: #EquilibriumTourney
Bracket and Matchups:
This is a 2v2 tournament with 3500 combined rating limit and Equilibrium balance mod. To sign up, post your team members names below (team name is optional, but if you dont come up with one, you will be assigned with one). If you do not have a teamnate, you can sign up alone. The tournament bot will automatically find you a teamnate! If you do not have a forum account, contact a Tournament Director, he will proxy sign you up. If you have any questions contact a Tournament Director, please don't clutter the thread. Thank you.
arkitect on
Prize pool:
First place: Fixed In Equilibrium Avatar

Second place: Faction Face Avatar + 5 GBP for EACH member of the team!
Third place: Faction Logo Avatar
Tournament style:
Double elimination (If there are less than 8 participants the tournament will be played Swiss style).
Tournament rules:
Spoiler: show
Current team sign ups:
Master&Slave (theeggroll + Hirschy)
ForTheQueen (SYSTEM_FAILURE + Death_Squad)
TheNoobsFixedByEquilibrium (Dark_RiperNoob + PappyNoob)
DamnWeLoveThisBalance (BlInChIk+Morax)
BHeditPlayedMoreThanEQ (Dzeljana + Mully)
TheFloorIsEquilibrium (EcoNoob and WhataNoob)
Janus Uranus (RowTheGoat + Exotic_Retard))
BeetlesAreFixedInEQ (CurrySmuggler + WoundedElk)
Friendship And Gaming (MaitzNoob + GFY_Deponny)
Thanks to Exotic_Retard for making custom avatar and custom poster!