Coc split thread fo arguing

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Coc split thread fo arguing

Postby Farmsletje » 02 May 2017, 04:05

biass wrote:Stick to deadlines next time ok?

Sure next time commando will follow the official rules and DQ baw for being 4 days too late with their roster
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need to give him some time to blossom into an aids flower
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Re: Clash of Clans Tournament

Postby biass » 02 May 2017, 04:18

I've read the appropriate discussion (which i won't post for Com's sake)
for that answer we reference you back to this post:

BAW humbly asks they are not forced to wait upwards of one hour in order to play games as they are bound to other commitments as is to be expected, thank you.
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Re: Clash of Clans Tournament

Postby Farmsletje » 02 May 2017, 04:20

yes yes mr obvious troll. It's not like you see giant letters that it doesn't count for this week yet Kappa
FtXCommando wrote:
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Re: Clash of Clans Tournament

Postby biass » 02 May 2017, 04:23

oh lmao i didnt actually read

thats okay, for your 3v3 you drafted someone outside of your "roster" after you were forced to have dinner after an hour of us waiting for your team to show up, so it's void either way tbh
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Re: Clash of Clans Tournament

Postby FtXCommando » 02 May 2017, 04:50

Can we stop polluting this thread with useless accusations that mean nothing? Thanks.

BAW did not submit a roster when they were meant to. We did not play the game when expected. Substituting 1 person into our roster is allowed; I do not understand why you are using that as your "gotcha!" moment. Both sides are at fault.

It's a void issue because if I made a hard-line on the 3v3/4v4 happening on the time they were scheduled BEFORE with rosters, a total of 1 of the 4 4v4 games would have been played in the first round and 2 of the 3v3 games would have been played. No one cares about time, and DQ'ing more games than those that are played is not how a tourney maintains players.

This is why we moved to the new system. Hard times where games have to happen have no bullshit attached to it.

If you have an issue, talk to me about it.

Hey, look, I actually added an explanation of what to do in this exact situation and rather than read it people antagonize one another.

I am [mad, salty, depressed, hungry]. Where do I spam my malcontent?

Obviously in an ideal world, a clan player should report issues to their clan leader who in turn can report to me. However, it is fine for anyone to talk with me via PM if they feel a team is cheating, abusing rules, or doing something that they shouldn't be doing. Please don't turn this thread into a shit-flinging contest; let me or eggroll handle the disputes rather than attempting to do mob justice and ruining the tourney for everyone. If you do not know what to do, talk to me. If someone is being a d***, talk to me. If you feel your wife is cheating on you with your neighbor, talk to her.
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Re: Clash of Clans Tournament

Postby Morax » 02 May 2017, 05:39

FtXCommando wrote:No one cares about time,

How about people that have jobs and want to play on the weekend when they are well rested?

How about don't get upset about schedule rosters if time is not cared for.

As the director you should show exemplary responsibility above all others, yet you give people the "it's my tournament, I run it line" for situations where you are at fault.

I asked kindly many times yesterday and you just kept giving the "I don't have time right now and our clan is not present" reply.

It's really frustrating to deal with people that act that way.
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Re: I've decided you can argue here instead

Postby Gorton » 02 May 2017, 05:53

Please try and keep it somewhat civil
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Re: Coc split thread fo arguing

Postby biass » 02 May 2017, 07:24

why is this in tourney instead of off topic
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Re: Coc split thread fo arguing

Postby Iszh » 02 May 2017, 10:04

If both sides have made a mistake there is no reason to argue i mean the main point a game is played sooner or later. We and PLD had both problems. UEF didnt post a roster in time but PLD didnt have the players online at the gametime. We agreed to play it later. It was some kind of player carousel in both clans for some time but we managed to do our game just a few hours later. Thanks again to PLD clan.

That the rule with fixed roster for 3v3 and 4v4 made everything complicated we agreed before. Since there are 2 conditions which can be broken. Roster or people online at a fixed gametime. FOr future it is clear the roster rule will disappear and if a clan cannot provide enough players at the gametime you could force a win. But still i think that should not be needed. Better is always to talk and still agree a time at the same day or one day later in the worst case of course you can force the win now due to screenshot players not online at the original gametime. So everything clear no reason to argue anymore.

But i think the roster rule for 1v1 and 2v2 should be kept otherwise it can be easily a mess without fixed playtime. If you managed your games to play everything is good no reason to go on arguing.
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