Hey everyone, I decided to create a new clan war tourney and change the structure from the traditional IGC one. The rules for this tournament have been created with an attempt to encourage small clans to play while keeping enough flexibility that any ACTIVE clan should easily be able to play their matches. I hope to utilize this tournament as both a test for future clan wars (such as IGC) in order to see the activity of clans all across the spectrum. This is why I hope small clans won't feel intimidated about joining. In fact, we encourage them to join the tournament!
Expected Tournament Starting Date: 4/17/2017 (17/4/2017 for europe scrubs) will be the start of Round 1.
4/1/2017 (1/4/2017) will be the map reveal day for Round 1.
LINK TO TOURNAMENT: http://challonge.com/m3cdmc0mCurrent Participants:We Love Com [Com] - Farmsletje ( FAF Name: ejtelsmraF)
United Earth Federation [UEF] - Iszh
ONI Demon [ONI] - AchievedJaguar8
Special Noob Forces [SNF] - EcoNoob
Break a Wish Foundation [BAW] - Blimey
Better Faster Stronger [BFS] - TheBlackWolf
Belgian French Alliance [BFA] - Clinch
Empire [e] - Tokyto_
Palladium [PLD] - InspektorKot
Current TDs:theeggroll
FtXCommando (FAF Name: odnammoCXtF)
Clan Requirements:- Minimum of 4 members
- Has a designated leader that will be responsible for organizing their team and reporting results. The person that will be considered the leader of the clan must be mentioned in the post requesting entry into the tournament.
- You must post the clan name and clan tag in the post requesting entry in the tournament
Rules:- The tournament will be Swiss style.
- The clan leader must submit a roster for who will ideally participate in each match. They will renew this roster after each tournament round. This is to give each team an idea of who they are facing and will make getting 1v1/2v2 matches done much easier.
- A roster must be completely filled out every week, otherwise a clan forfeits their place in the tournament as they are simply not active enough to be depended upon.
- Everyone in the clan is able to participate so the roster is allowed to be modified. If a player is unavailable, he can be substituted with another clan member that is online.
- However, at least ½ of the roster must be faithful in each match. For example, you cannot have someone do a 1v1 for the clan unless they signed up. You also cannot have 2 entirely different people do a 2v2, however, having 1 person substituted in is permissible. Similarly, only 1 person can be substituted in for the 3v3, but 2 can be substituted in for the 4v4.
- The TDs will refuse most requests to actually change a roster after it has been submitted barring significant unexpected events that have forced a player to be unable to play. This is not something to be abused and exploiters will have their entire clan banned from the tournament.
- You can either PM the roster to a TD, send an offline message via !offlinemessage to the TD, or forum private message the TD your roster. Once both teams that are facing one another send their roster to a TD, it will be posted on the tournament thread. Lineups must be submitted by Wednesday 20:00 GMT at the latest.
- The games for the tournament will be attempted to be balanced by the TD when the rosters are given in private. The games will be balanced around game quality where as many high game quality matches as possible will be created. If there is an issue with matchmaking, please talk to the TD in private as soon as possible.
- The games will follow faf rules and ethics, anything that is deemed bannable will cost you points. Rule breaks and point penalties will be up to the discretion of the TD.
- Share until death must be used for each tourney round.
- People must not leave mid-game during their round. This is in order to minimize replay desyncs.
Timeline:- Each round of the tournament will officially begin on 0:00 GMT Tuesday of each week. Each round will go to 24:00 GMT Sunday.
- Each clan has this entire specified time period to play their 1v1/2v2 tournament matches against their matched opponent. Both clan leaders are responsible for organizing their matches together and should try to find a time that works for both parties. If a set time cannot be found, it is acceptable to just wait until both teams have the required clanmates online to play the game during the week.
- The 3v3 match will happen on Saturday and the 4v4 match will happen on Sunday. The matches will be scheduled to take place at 15:00 GMT on each day. There will be a 30 minute grace period, and if a clan fails to show up for the tournament match, even with the grace period, they will forfeit the match.
- However, if both teams agree to have their match at a different time, it is acceptable for the match to occur later or earlier provided a TD gets a 24 hour notice. Be aware the 3v3 must happen on Saturday and the 4v4 must happen on Sunday. All times will be based on GMT to eliminate date confusion.
- If a match is unable to happen within the allotted week, the tournament director will set a time for the missed round(s) with feedback from both leaders on the following Monday. Once set, this time is nonnegotiable. These missed round(s) will happen before 23:00 GMT Monday or the team that fails to show up will forfeit the match. If a team is repeatedly tardy and misses, for example, both their 3v3 as well as some 1v1/2v2 games, that team will be kicked from the tournament with no exceptions due to inactivity.
Connections:- If a player drops due to disconnect, the game will continue.
- Each game gets a “drop period” equal to the player amount in each game * 1 minute. If a player drops during this “drop period,” the game can be restarted without penalty. However, both teams must agree to the restart and if there is a conflict then it will be up to the TD’s discretion to determine if the game should be restarted.
- For example, if a player drops at minute 6:30 in a 4v4, the game can be restarted. However, a drop at 6:30 in a 3v3 cannot be restarted and the team must play on with the drop or forfeit the round.
- If two players on opposing teams lose connection, both will leave the game.
Round Segments:3 1v1s. However, each 1v1 must be fought by a different person in the clan.
Each game will account for 1 point and can take place at any time during the “Round Week.”
2 2v2s. Each clan can have 1 person play in both 2v2s, however, there must be at least one different teammate in the matches.
Each game will account for 2 points and can take place at any time during the “Round Week.”
1 3v3
This will account for 3 points and must take place on the Saturday of that “Round Week” at 15:00 GMT (4:00 PM at London due to Daylight Savings) unless scheduled for another time on that Saturday.
1 4v4
This will account for 3 points and must take place on the Sunday of that “Round Week” at 15:00 GMT (4:00 PM at London due to Daylight Savings) unless scheduled for another time on that Sunday.
Maps:- The maps will be chosen by a random number generator (With the generator being streamed so no one feels the map selection is biased).
- The maps for each segment of the round will be given out a week before the tournament round they are in officially begins. This means once Week 1 of the tournament starts, the maps for Week 2 will be released.
Map Pools:*Note, any adaptive maps will have their settings released during the round they are picked. I understand that the maps do not have their settings shown in the map pool, you do not need to inform me of this.
Also maps cannot be picked twice, so if a map is rerolled during the selection process, the role will be discarded.
1v1 Maps:
1. Theta Passage 5 (bottom left v top right)
2. Syrtis Major 3v3 - V1.1 (top left v bottom right)
3. Darkfall (far left slot vs far right slot)
4. Z-D Rasty Lite
5. Nilfheim - Final II v2
6. Farce in the Forest
7. Dirty Mounds (top right v bottom left)
8. Stella Maris WM 1v1
9. Monaki
10. Forbidden Pass v4
11. Standing Stones
12. Cobalt Valley - Beta v4
13. Souvenir
14. Loki
15. Desert Planet II v2 (air slots)
16. Ambush Pass (north v south)
17. Eye of the Storm (top left v bottom right)
18. Vya-3 Protectorate
19. Badlands (top left v bottom right)
20. High Noon
21. Hollow
22. Open Palms
23. Roanoke Abyss
24. Regor VI Highlands
25. Seraphim Outpost (top left v bottom right)
26. TAG_Craftious Maximus (top left v bottom right)
27. The Cold Place (top 2 north slots face one another)
28. Fields of Isis
29. Veil of Stars V3
30. Haven Reef Fixed (center spawns)
2v2 Maps:
1. Bloodthrone (2 top left v 2 bottom right)
2. Stella Maris v8 (bottom right slots vs top left slots)
3. Daroza’s Sanctuary
4. Z-D Rasty (top left v bottom right)
5. X6 (top left slots vs bottom right)
6. Seton’s Clutch (navy slots for both sides)
7. Pelagial
8. Fields of Great Phoenix 2v2
9. Goodlands (2 top left v 2 bottom right)
10. Vulcan’s Reach
11. Phenom Spartiate v2 (2 top left v 2 bottom right)
12. The land wilderness V3
13. Diversity (2 top left v 2 bottom right)
14. White Fire V2 (close the island slots)
15. 3V3 Sand Box (close the air slot)
16. 8 - Pinwheel_v1 (top left v bottom right)
17. Burial Mounds (north v south slots)
18. Crossfire Canal
19. Seraphim Glaciers (top left v bottom right islands)
20. Vulcan’s Reach
21. Adaptive Twin Rivers
3v3 Maps:
1. Hrungdaks Canyon 3v3
2. Neptune
3. Realm
4. Anchor 3v3 V1
5. Morning Prayer 5v5 (Mid slots are closed)
6. Africa
7. Regicide (close the 2 slots on the far left in the middle)
8. Twin Rivers
9. Point of Reach v4
10. Flooded Tabula Rasa (top 3 left v bottom 3 right)
11. Adaptive Wonder Open
12. Chiron
4v4 Maps:
1. The Taylors Pass
2. Selkie Isle
3. Primus Alpha v2
4. Funeral Plains
5. Seton’s Clutch
6. Cepheus
7. Corona
8. Planet Shmal
9. Diversity EP (bottom 4 left v top 4 right)
10. Wonder Open 5v5 (close the air slot)
11. Salem Bay
12. Adaptive Syrtis Major
Awards:The first place clan will be given "Clan Wars Winner" custom avatars to each member of their clan!