There seems to be a problem getting newer players to join in the WWPC. I feel like the WWPC is a great opportunity to get better and kind of break the ice of getting into a tournament. A lot of players that i have played say that the WWPC was the first tourney that they actually got involved in. I feel like this is kind of forgotten by older and better players. This isn't anyone's fault specifically but I feel like we need to work towards building up the lowest bracket of our beloved weekly tournament. The upper brackets always have a decent turnout so there is hardly a problem with participation.
That is actually crazy as well. I sit just outside the top 200 and I am around 1130ish. This means that the largest group of players are not jumping in and playing. At any given time there are around 400 players online on FAF.
What I propose is at the least an announcement from QAI that sends out the link to the WWPC sign up forum page to just let the new players know that this tourney exists. I learned about it from Zaphodx back when he still did FA game play. I feel like reaching out to lower rated players and maybe just helping them through the process of signing up or just helping them not be as nervous would also help. Maybe we should make a WWPC Ask A Question sub-thread specifically for newer players to hop in and ask the veterans about the tournament.
I know nerves are sometimes the problem as well is time but the WWPC is the most flexible tournament that we host regularly and I know not all of the players that qualify for the U1100 bracket will have time issues whenever they learn a little more about it.
Let me know what you guys think about this! I am not a pro at this but I know that if we grow the bottom tier of the WWPC then the players will slowly get better and it will grow our upper brackets after time. Which would be awesome!
Like I said leave suggestions! I have thought about this a lot but I know I haven't thought of every possible solution to the problem.