Hi everyone,
the qualification tournaments are already on the way and the tournament has been talked about a lot, but I'm happy to officially announce the LegendOfTheStars End-of-Year-Championship 2016!
The tournament features the best 16 FAF players competing for the title, a unique trophy, and a cash prize in a series of exciting games!
Four of the players have already claimed their spot and proved that they are worthy to compete to be the best. Four more spots will be achieved by the winners of the next qualification tournament, holding place next Saturday.
The tournament will take place on the 17th & 18th of December and will be broadcasted live! The coverage will begin around 15:00 GMT, don't miss the biggest FAF event of the year!
All prizes are sponsored by LegendOfTheStars, who made this tournament possible and deserves all credits for it. Thank you very much!
* First Prize - AU$500 and the trophy as FAF Champion 2016
* Second Prize - AU$150
* Third Prize - AU$50
The competitors are:
1. Zock
2. Petricpwnz
3. keyser
4. OxideIon
5. Nexus_of_Reality
6. JaggedAppliance
7. bias
8. Adjux
9. Voodoo
10. Mephi
11. Blast_Chilled
12. Tokyto
13. Chevalier
14. ZLO
15. Blodir
16. Farmsletje
Further thanks go to our most loved (and only) FAF loli for creating the promo video, to stups & tokyto as tournament directors and to arkitect for providing his great stream coverage! And to all players and contributors who make FAF possible in the first place, thank you all! Let's have a great tournament.