After what I've taken to be my tentative acceptance as a tournament director, I've started to plan out some tournaments. In the interest of pleasing the greatest number of players, I've created a straw poll to gauge interest and to figure out which maps people would want to play. My thoughts are to start the tournaments at ranked 1000 or less only, with mostly 3v3 maps. While some others may disagree, I feel like 3v3 strikes a good balance by allowing pre-made groups of 3 to play, pre-made pairs with 1 extra, and also impromptu groups of 3. Though this way of thinking can be extended all the way up to 6v6, I feel that past 3v3 you're no longer going to really find pre-made groups of the max team size, so it's less needed. And of course there's also the fact that high player-count teams just complicate everything.
So click the link below to vote in the straw poll! Please post a reply here if you're interested, as then we'll get a more accurate read on the audience. As I mention in the straw poll, if there is a map or format (3v3, 4v4) that isn't included that you'd like to see, just post it below! If enough people are interested as well, I'll look into putting on a tournament.
TL;DR: I'm planning on running 1000 or less 3v3 tournaments. Please vote in the straw poll to show interest and to say what maps you'd play.
Click here for the straw poll!
Click here for my post that started all of this.