On 23/1/16 11 AM EST (4 PM GMT+0)
Check your time zone: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
I will be hosting a special tournament.
1) You cannot have have more factories than T2 mex, with the exception of your first factory
2) Drones are banned
3) Each factory tech level is equal to the amount of T2 mexes it requires, so a T3 factory would require 3 T2 mexes before you can build it (so say you have a T3 HQ and a T3 support factory, that would require 4 mexes)
4) Support factories are only 1 T2 mex
5) 1 T3 mex is equivalent to 2 T2 mexes
6) Said factory rules apply to all unit types
7) Unranked
8) There will be a mod that should automatically does the counting for you
This will be a Double Elimination tournament and there is no rating cap, anyone can sign up.
Map pool:
Tag Craftious Maximus
Theta Passage 5
Theta Passage
Crazy Rush
Hard FFA
Finn's Revenge
Ambush Pass
Blasted Rock
William's Pass
Arctic Refuge
The Dark Heart
Additional notes: T1 mex does not count towards T2 mex
1st Place: Tournament Winner
2nd Place: Faction Face
3rd Place: Faction Logo
Tourney participant to all who play all of their matches.
Good luck and have fun commanders!