Just gauging interesting in getting a TD for this and players interest in participating
Round Robin style
Prize Pool yet to be decided, but will be spread over from 1st place to 16th place
The tournament will consist of teams of 4, and each team must be from one country, ie Germany, france, england and
If your IP address comes up as a false flag, you must be able to prove you are from the country you say you are.
No Smurf accounts are allowed to participate (minumum 100 games played)
A country can have multiple teams of 4 and will be listed as (example) Germany GER-1, GER-2 along with the players who are in th team
There will be no rating restriction on the team
For those countries who do not have enough players to make team of 4, sorry, but you should have asked your friends to join FAF years ago
Maps will be at minimum 10 x 10km in size