I would like to make a formatting suggestion that may help a lot of tourneys perform better AND provide for some good free publicity!
As you may have seen, I have teamed up with OrbitalPotato for a couple of tournament streams on Sundays. The viewerbase seems to be pretty decent, as we we able to hold 100+ viewers towards the finals, and I think there is a pretty solid demand for more tournament streams. However, there is a serious problem.....
I hate to say it, but tournies as a whole are fairly disorganized on most occasions... The two Sunday tournaments were outstanding exceptions to the general rule, but this is the main deterrant for me casting more tournaments or doing any promotions for them. One other obstacle that comes up is the fact that several of the most common tournaments range anywhere from a weekly cycle of constant games to a 6+ hour period in length. It is really rough trying to cast something that unpredictable, and makes it hard to commit to a time slot.
Any suggestions on formatting would be welcome on this thread! I am pretty much just trying to open a discussion on this, because if we can come up with a solution I would be completely willing to commit to more streams and doing promotions for the tournaments going on with FAF.
My opinion, for what it is worth.
Spoiler: show