Despite missing the start of the tournament, by any means I don't want to be part of this. So I'll try to hang around the replay tabs and get the replay ID's for future watching and casting. It should be fun to see how all different newbie tatics come out and who will thrive and how. I still need to cast most of the last tournament that I did this, so I probably won't cast more than a half-dozen here before finishing the other. But the intention remains....
The players and their ladder ratings (from the start of the last 1x1 ladder replay I found) Rayoner 407 Chili_Das_Schaf 950 (Only 5 ladder games, last one in may, lot's of FAF games ever since) Arrowsmith 1007
I'll stop updating this, as I will just spoil a lot of who is going to win.....
I know I made loads of mistakes but my second round encounter on Theta was interesting. My opponent watched the game on super slow mode and still can't figure out how it wasn't a draw.
Don't expect too much though, noob tournament and all :p
That's alright man, the most important it's go out and play, if you don't do that, you already lost it.
Updated the first post with the cast that I've made. I decided to do at least the first 4. But I have no idea if and when I will be able to finish all. Real life if busy right now.
Looking forward to the rest of the casts from the noob tourney I know that CodingSquirrel requesting that you don't cast his first game on Syrtis Major (against me), but I have to request the opposite and hope that you do cast it. I could really use the constructive criticism from another persons perspective in order to improve in FAF.
Yeah, don't worry, I'll cast all the games in order. Not sure about the criticism thoug. My 1x1 rating is 620 and falling.
For instance, I only played on Syrtis Major once so far. But I'll get there, I love learning by watching, either mine or others replays... Then practicing 10 times on the same map against the AI.
There is a problem though, I only have a screen shot with the round 1 of the pairings, I have no idea who played who after that, anyone has a way of getting that info for me? After round 1 I only have the elimination brackets. Anyway, the swiss tourney part had some influence on the brackets? How many rounds of the swiss brackets were done after all?
There was one round of the swiss bracket, and it didn't count for anything. After the first round everything was wiped clean and it changed to elimination.