all you have to do is set the resolution to what you want for example : 3840, 1080 (if you are doing this then I humbly suggest UI party (viewtopic.php?f=41&t=9776) as a complement

Dual screen : viewtopic.php?f=2&t=9778&p=98315#p106977
UPDATE : now supports setting the core affinity and process priority.
Guys I made a nice script that you may enjoy.
I've found playing FA windowed reduces crashing probabilities tenfold.
Also I hate not having my music, and Aeolus chat next to the game while i'm playing. (if playing fullscreen you can't have both simultaneously. Clicking outside the FA window will minimize it with a monstrous delay)
While I'm hosting I find having FAF and the FA lobby side by side to be of extreme use, so that I may quicker evaluate things such as unwanted mods, better host to move me and my players to, or bugged lobby. Also AEOLUS.
FA is played best at 1080P, casting and streaming much deserve to be full 1080P
so what I did is write a script.
I made my taskbar single-screen only and placed it on my secondary screen.
Also I made FA windowed.
then my script automatically detects when FA is up and removes the window border and maximizes it.
this is called "fake fullscreen" a new way to go about full-screening all modern games are turning towards. it is superior in every imaginable way. back in the day people didn't do this because the desktop was taxing to the graphic card (crazy old days) and people didn't have more than one screen (crazy new days).
Also I get boosted Simspeed (small increase) by automatically setting FA to high priority and removing it's affinity with the first thread.
to do as i do you will need to :
- download and install AutoHotkey (when it is done installing don't run, there's nothing to run. Just close the installer)
- right click on your desktop (or other folder if the option doesn't show up there) go to "New"->"AutohotkeyScript"
- paste this :
- Code: Select all
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
procName := "ForgedAlliance.exe"
SetTimer, CheckProc, 2000
If (!ProcessExist(procName))
WinGet Style, Style, % "ahk_exe " procName
If (Style & 0xC40000)
WinSet, Style, -0xC40000, % "ahk_exe " procName
WinMinimize, % "ahk_exe " procName
WinMaximize, % "ahk_exe " procName
Run, %comspec% /c process -a forgedalliance.exe 1110
Run, %comspec% /c process -p forgedalliance.exe high
Process, Exist, %exeName%
- hit ctrl-S, then alt-F4
- hit Win+"R"
- type "shell:startup"
- drop the newly created file in the folder that opens
- you can either restart the computer or double click the file and start enjoying my absolutely world-crysis-ending script
- for automatically putting FA in high priority and not on first core download this
- place in c:\windows\system32
- edit the code above to fit your processor thread count. Mine has twelve so my number has twelve digits E.G. : 111111111110
if you have a typical sandybridge i7 you likely have 4 cores that are hyperthreaded e.g 8 threads, thereby : 11111110
say you have an AMD Phenom II X4 980, then it would be : 1110