Launching FAF on admin mode by default.

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Launching FAF on admin mode by default.

Postby Ze_PilOt » 16 Sep 2011, 16:03


For now, FAF can run in user mode. But I was thinking on only launching it on elevated (admin) mode.
FAF will ask you to confirm it at every launch if you are using UAC (I think it's possible to auto allow without disable it but I'm not sure).

Multiples reasons for that :

- You will be able to install it in program Files (right now, the update system must be able to write in the install dir, and it can't write in that folder without admin rights).

- The FAFInstaller will be part of the lobby and not a separated program, making updates more fluids.

- Nomads and Experimental Wars are coming, and as they both need a lot of balancing, there will be frequent updates for them. Having the lobby in admin mode allow me to update the file without asking the user anything.

Of course, the downside is that you have to trust me to not delete your system32 directory or anything else :)
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Re: Launching FAF on admin mode by default.

Postby FunkOff » 16 Sep 2011, 16:05

Yes. GPGnet does this and it would help solve all those problems people have where faf fails to launch because of out-of-date files that refuse to update. Do it.
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Re: Launching FAF on admin mode by default.

Postby Moritz » 16 Sep 2011, 16:10


You said the reason to me while ago, remember?
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Re: Launching FAF on admin mode by default.

Postby Ze_PilOt » 16 Sep 2011, 16:12

I remember that I had good reasons at that time, but I can't remember why, except the annoyance for the final user :)

I think we are reaching a point of not launching it as admin bring more annoying things than clicking the UAC button :-/
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Re: Launching FAF on admin mode by default.

Postby Moritz » 16 Sep 2011, 16:22

You just need to use FAFinstaller.exe (or create FAFupdater.exe) to do all the updates instead of making updates to lobby from the lobby itself, and stop asking the user to select the FA folder in updater each time you call it.
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Re: Launching FAF on admin mode by default.

Postby Ze_PilOt » 16 Sep 2011, 16:24

Yeps, that is planned :)
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Launching FAF on admin mode by default.

Postby winne » 16 Sep 2011, 22:35

use fafupdater.exe oder similiar to do the updates.
always running in admin mode is not a good idea
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Re: Launching FAF on admin mode by default.

Postby FunkOff » 04 Oct 2011, 22:07

I vote you make it run with elevated privileges by default because it keeps crashing or freezing during updates, like the most recent lobby update. It's ridiculous, not user friendly and simply bothersome. I have already had four people complain to me, TODAY, that FAF is broken because the replay manager won't stop updating.

Alternatively, why don't you just install FAF in a directory that doesn't require elevated privileges, like the my documents folder? It's not like FAF *MUST* be on the C: drive.
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Re: Launching FAF on admin mode by default.

Postby Nesar » 08 Oct 2011, 12:28

you could put it in admin for the month it will take to mke the different balance for experimental wars and nomads. After this you could go back in user mode as the updates will come less often.
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