Greetings and Salutations to all you folks out there!!!
I am about to start ramping up for the second round of Project Insanity, and I need your help! Rules of engagement will be posted in 2 weeks, and the tournament will happen 3 weeks after that so everyone has a chance to practice
Here is how you can help out - I will be doing another epic promo video, but this time I want to make my own and let the people of FAF show their awesome faces! To be a part of the video, I need a clip from you that is no more than 5 seconds long. It can be of a kill, a death, something stupid/epic/artsy (firebeetle, lucky arty shot, cool unit walking, etc), WHATEVER you want! Here is what I need to include it in the promo -
-Your FAF name
-A screen recording of your segement in at least 720p (you can use free programs like OBS, they work great!) Get creative with this! Pan around with the space bar, track your units with the "T" key, use some perspective!
-A quick description of what happened in the clip and what map it is on.
-Either a dropbox link to the clip, or a link to an unlisted youtube upload so I can pull it off there.
You will get your clip and a name drop in the video!
For this tournament I will be offering prizes which are to be determined, along with first/second/third place avatars!
Like last time, if you want to help by either donating to the prize pool or to volunteer as a go-to-for-questions guy or organizer, email me at [email protected]
Also, if you want to help stream/cast the tourney, message me with a link to your twitch/hitbox/youtube and I will list it on the promo video!
Get psyched people! This will be a tourney unlike anything you have seen before, and I do mean that in the most literal sense