Searching for good map in vault is nearly impossible and if you decide to dive into it you need to get through 100 unfinished maps, milinon version of same map and all the garbage before you find one decent map.
The problem as everything is people, those uploading map, and after years of using current system I think I can say it isnt excatly working, giving everyone permission to upload map is making map vault messy.
Id say its time to change rules and first step to clean that mess would be to give permission to upload maps only those who knows how it works and how to upload their maps (one example for all, try to search "voodoo" map and you will get my point...)
Other thing would be make some moderation over Map vault, get rid of all these maps.
Having nice simple guide how to make maps and mainly how to update them on one place would improve people skill to perform it on their own a lot. From what Ive found on forum there is enough posts about it, so putting them together should be enough (with some small improvements).
(I know you can filter maps by number of plays and downloads, but that wont really help new maps get popular and if author doesnt advertise them everywhere they might get easily lost in the mess)