Hello everyone!
After a few tests of trying I was astonished to find out it was close to impossible to defend against 10 Viper lanchers. It took over 40 Cybran/UEF TMD to kill those missiles. The fact that the daugther missiles actually speed up after being hit, combined with huge overkill of the TMD (which is another issue to be resolved-several TMD targeting the same missile is just not cool) makes it near impossible to do anything about them. While the damage those missiles do is negligible, it can still eventually kill TMD units and prevent shields from recharging.
On another note, the Cybran TML is also very hard to defend against for all the same reasons. More infuriatingly, the split missiles do 1600 dmg each, making them extremely powerful. (all 3 missiles put together do 4800 dmg, compared to 6000 dmg of the intact missile) I think these could be slightly nerfed, or the cybran TML made more expensive.
If there any reasons for the situation to remain unchanged, please elaborate. It could be that I am just oblivious to the real reason for this. If that is so, fire away.