Hello all, my name is theeggroll and I'm looking to create some new campaign missions.
I'm sure I'm not alone in that I was disappointed by the lack of new/good campaign missions when Forged Alliance came out.
Currently, I've been thinking of some cool new missions that work with the FA story line, as well as including some missions for Seraphim. I think I have some pretty cool ideas, but since I have no talent what-so-ever, I need some programmers and mappers to help make this.
So far I have a fully detailed description of 3 UEF missions and a broad idea for what I want the aeon campaign to be like, I just need help making it.
If you're wondering, what gives this guy the right to decide what new missions there would be??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?111?!?!1!?!?/!!?!
Well I've been playing sup com ever since it came out, and I hope that I have a decent grasp as to what makes campaign missions fun and what cool new things would make them really cool.
Thanks to anyone who wants to help.
If you have talent feel free to message me in game or on the forums, any ideas and feedback is appreciated in replies!