So here's a test for you. on Theta, nice flat map for testing. Purpose of the test is to see how effective walls are. Artillery is ignored in the test for obvious reasons.
1. Make a "[" shaped wall, not a "[]" closed off wall.
2. Place the low-profile (I.E small, flat hitbox) UEF T1 Tank, behind the "[" shaped wall.
3. Notice how logically, objectively, mathematically. That for all intent and purposes, that the wall should protect the UEF 1 Tank from all direct-attacks from it's tiered equivalent, even direct arc attacks from other T1's.
4. Make a mock battle between the walled UEF T1 Tank and another UEF T1 Tank on the offensive.
5. With the "Wall Fix mod" it works somewhat only when shots fired directly on the center part of the wall. however, once the offensive UEF T1 Tank moves, it's shots go right through the hitbox of the walls. With the Wall Fix mod taken off however, regardless, the shots will go right through the walls at the T1 Tanks max range even if the shots hit directly at the center of the wall model. However, when brought closer to the walled UEF Tank, the shots do hit the walls.
6. Conclusion: While more testing can be done, It's my belief that walls are fundamentally broken. Their hitboxes are very inconsistent with some shots being absorbed by the wall and some shots going straight through the wall even if it's clear that the projectile hit the wall..Their hit boxes don't work even in optimal conditions.
7 Recommend: It seems you can get around the broken nature of walls by making 2 layers of walls surrounding "[[]]", instead of the the traditional 1 layer of wall surrounding "[]"In my mock battle, the 2 layered walled UEF tank held off against 10 T1 Tanks from nearly 180 degree angles without taking any damage thanks to the 2 layered solution. Recommend that 2 wall layered from now on when it comes to T1 PD.