Why do you do it? Ever since Zep enabled the facility to change your username every week, all I ever see is replays with a bunch of people with stupid usernames. Case in point is this Zap Brannigan replay:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbAIt5At ... xvcP6Pw9gw
AS you can see in the comments at the bottom, the player "Soviet Pride", a player who has only been around for a few months anyway, has gone through a series of smurf accounts, one being "moreflakneeded" and the other being "buildmoreflak". Now in no way am I picking on this particular player, but he is the epitome of the player who thinks it is "trendy" or "quirky" or simply "cool" to keep changing their username and confuse people watching the replay casts.
So is it for the reasons listed above or something I haven't thought of?