After the T3 mobile Anti air got released, which in my opinion is a great improvement in gameplay, I think we should reconsider Anti Teleport again. If you build a super expensive static unit like Mavor, Paragon or Salvation with each less than 10k hp, there is no way you can protect them from 10 SACUs teleporting nearby and just blowing up (you can do it with less SACUs if you manage to build power storages at destiation). And 10 SACUs with teleport are still cheaper than those artys or the Paragon. You could also blow up an ACU without possible counter gameplay if you have enough Tele SACUs and do it right.
The reason why the T3 mobile AA is a great improvement is because its pretty weak and can only protect you from Snipes if you have large numbers. Thats why I also would suggest the Anti Teleport range to be small and still expensive, so you cant spam this everywhere. I guess the range should be about 20 (ACU gunrange), which is barely enough to protect a certain object, if you also have pds. This also makes Telemazer a bit more difficult but still a very possible strategy, which is ok, because you would risk your ACU. The cost of the Anti Tele should be about 10k mass and 1000k energy and the size should be the size of an Antinuke. The hp should be low (about 2k-5k) and the buildtime should be around 4k, which would match the ACU Teleport buildtime. It should be a T3 unit, but could also be T1 just like the ACU Teleport^^.
I believe Antiteleport would improve gameplay, because it encourages scouting even in later stages of the game, because you dont want to waste resources on Teleport, if it is protected by Anti-teleport and also you dont want to waste ressources on Anti teleport, if the enemy doesnt even threaten to build Teleport. Teleport and Anti Teleport would now match Nuke and Anti Nuke, which is also a good part of the gameplay.
What do you guys think?
Maybe you can do a mobile version which can be build just like a scathis. Or by a T3 landfactory. Or by a quantum gate. What about an Anti Teleport SACU upgrade? Discuss!