Why was the wall sections removed?
Any Chance it will get put back?
Forged Alliance Forever Forums
Moderators: FtXCommando, Ze Dogfather
Gorton wrote:They are not removed.
In campaign walls are removed because it's super easy to exploit the ai with them - and since there are leaderboards for time completion of the missions, they go.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
Ze_PilOt wrote:A simple mod can re-enabled them, and it will disable the leaderboard in the process.
The Mak wrote:Head on over to the mod vault and search for the mod 'No Build Restrictions in Campaign' (make sure to click the Server Search button) and enable it in your next game. It removes all build restrictions including the campaign maps that limit what units you can build.
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