I am filling out the roster for the upcoming tournament with Project Insanity. The tentative time for the tournament is November 8th in the American early afternoon/ Euro evening. If you are willing to live cast a series of games from the tournament please post to this topic with the following information.
---An attachment/dropbox/filedrop of a logo in 1080p. This can be a screencap of your title intro, but it would be nice if everyone had their own logo. I will be putting these with links in the promo video (everyone gets their channel advertised!)
---Create a playlist for the tournament (name as yet to be decided... recommendations?) on your channel and give me the exact URL to that playlist
---How many games you are willing to cast. There ought to be plenty to go around with multiple games taking place at once! Even if all the casters get in on this I doubt we will get all of them. I am hoping to have all the games take place in a 4-5 hour time window so if you can cast back to back the whole period you will be a HUGE asset!
Ok, as to the tournament directors, anyone with experience in this area would be a tremendous help to me. I have never hosted a tournament, so if someone would be willing to set up the brackets and format that would be fantastic! Depending on how many people we bring in, we will probably need several tourney directors. I would think at least 3 initially so that we have people on standby to answer questions and direct people.
This post is for volunteer information! If you want to help out with the rest of Project Insanity or offer opinions on things, refer to the PI thread at http://www.faforever.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8591