Hey guys!
I am sure that most of you know of my channel (
https://www.youtube.com/user/BRNKoINSANITY ) by now and have probably seen the video touching on what this is all about.
Basically I am kicking off a campaign to grow my channel and to grow FAF at the same time, while also bringing some things back to the community! In this thread, I will need some feedback about how this is going to go moving forward, and also your thoughts on how it should be implemented. I am planning out three phases on this project, and I am going to lay them out here.
--- Phase One - Preparing.
I will need to do some background work on this... First of all I want to launch a recurring tournament. This could be as often as once a month, or perhaps a bit longer depending on the circumstances. I love that the Galaxy Tour is back, so one thing that could happen is that everything done here is applied under that name. Alternately, we could start a new tourney under a new title. The goal here is to provide money prizes on a regular basis in different categories as a draw for people to come try out the client.
This would be done through donations, and there will be more on that later. In the first phase we would be gathering resources, planning, and getting ready to execute.
--- Phase Two - Get the Word Out
The second part of this is an ad campaign... Through YouTube partners, Adsense, and pushing social media posts, I hope to generate some recognition of not only the FAF client but also this tournament specifically. This would be done by trying to get spots on channels such as TotalBuscuit, a note in IGN, etc. Lots of gamers do commission videos for 10-20 dollars and have viewer bases of 50,000 + All in all this would just be the biggest push that I and others who wish to help can possibly pull off.
We need to be very careful in this phase to put our best foot forward and to be cautious of insulting other games and turning people off. While I would encourage posting to all the forums of popular RTS games as well as the Steam forums etc, we ABSOLUTELY MUST NOT enter into any kind of "our game is better" argument or start engaging with trolls. Post it, leave it, and answer any legitimate questions.
--- Phase Three - Execution
The fun stuff begins! The tournament launches, we have the money prizes to draw as many people as we can. Hopefully all the castors are on board to record as many games as we possibly can and get the word out! A few avatars are awarded, people can be kept as future client users, pretty much everyone wins! We use the publicity from this even to advertise the recurring tournament and the upcoming features of the client in order to maintain the momentum into the next tourney cycle.
That is a very brief overview.... the time frame is a tad unclear, and I hope to hear from the Dev team on when they expect the hardware upgrades on the server to be finished and also when they feel everything will be stable enough to take on a couple hundred extra users. I am envisioning 2-3 weeks for donations and planning, a 2 week advertising campaign, and then tourney starting perhaps 6 weeks from now. That time frame is up for discussion though.
Donations are welcome at
[email protected] using paypal, and I will post totals weekly so everyone knows where the money is. Please make sure to send money and not make a payment, because PayPal takes a few percent of payments but I get the entire amount when you send money.
As to everything else, let me know what you guys think!
This is the first draft of the post we will use to promote. I am going to put out basic ideas and I just want to hear your thoughts.
The Golden Age of the RTS games may be in the past, but one of the greatest games from the genre is still alive and well! Supreme Commander Forged Alliance is in continued development and patching by the community, and now it is going to have its own tournament series!
Forged Alliance Forever is hosting an all welcome tournament with an enormous prize pool! (something about amount). There will be multiple brackets with lots of special awards, and everyone is welcome to brush up their skills in the coming weeks on the client available at FAforever.com (more information on the tourney will be filled out as I solidify details.)
The FAF client hosts a ton of amazing tweaks to the game to bring out the best in this fantastic RTS! Some of the best ones include -
-Graphics Updates! A lot of the effects and shaders have been updated so that the game looks FAR better than it does in steam, and there is now a ranked mod that adds shockwaves and new navy effects!
-Engine/Mechanics Improvements! The engineering processes have been streamlined, hitboxes have been changed, and firing patters/unit behavior has been slightly adjusted so that the game runs smoother, looks cleaner, and behaves better than ever!
-Balance adjustments! No more OP restorers, slight changes to make t3 units more useful, and general tweaks have significantly improved the balance between the factions. Gameplay is more precise and fun than ever!
We will need to create a promo video showcasing the new stuff in action, and just a couple good pictures of FAF and a promo screen and info for the tourney. I will do it if I get time in the next couple days, but if someone wants to volunteer their skills in editing, this would be a good area to help out!