So I've been playing FA kinda forever but only really as the original vanilla mod. I discovered FAF about a year or so agoish and I really do think its a solid balance and play upgrade mod. In 2 weeks time I'll be part of a huge LAN and would like to host a SupComm FA tourney.
The biggest issue is that all play will occur OFFLINE so i just want to confirm the intended behavior of the FAF mod with the wisdom of the forum.
If I want to get players to play FAF offline who have only ever had vanilla:
--> They should have the vanilla install and just run the FAF install. Will this allow different versions of FA vanilla to be played against each other (since afaik all actual gameplay is moderated by the FAF mod)
--> LAN lobbies shouldn't be a problem but is there a way to potentially upload any games to the vault after-the-fact? Or if theres a really solid final match would I have to upload it if it were to be cast.
--> FAF allows spectators to watch via the live-ish replay functionality. Can this be recreated for FAF-offline?