Hi, im just going to jump right into the issue ive been having with some players
I'll admit to having a rather crappy pc, yes it is fairly slow and old however I have yet to come across a game on FAF where my cpu has actually caused the game to slow down (you can see by the score tab there is +0/+0) even in late game 4v4 setons, whilst I am sure if I played against the pros it would slow (due to sheer unit numbers) it hasnt happened yet in my noobier games (im rank 800) yet quite often I find I am getting kicked as soon as someone points out my high benchmark, 533, even when I have time to explain theres a few who dont believe me to quote one instance
Me: dont worry about the high benchmark I've played larger maps with more people than this and had no issues or slow down
Random player: No issues according to who?
and then he proceeds kicks me before I can even reply
It's extremely annoying to spend only half the time actually playing and the other half trying to find a game, if you are one of these people who will just boot without actually listening to reason then you need to change this outlook and give people like myself a chance, while i can understand the high level players being like this due to the volume of units they can produce the lower rank players need to understand that no just because we (no doubt there are others out there as well) have a higher CPU benchmark it does not neccessarily mean we will slow down the game
and to counter a couple of comments that would otherwise be made (I have seen these in other threads):
no, I can't afford to get a new PC and even if I had the money I have other priorities so that is not an option
yes i often do host my own games, however often this isnt a realistic option as I prefer 4v4 or 3v3 games and sometimes there are not many people within my ranking range online when I am.