Am i the only person that feels like this is kind of an exploit?
I know there is a lot of people that feel like this is a "Skill" type play, but honestly i feel dirty if i do it.
And against things like Altantis, or other large experimentals that submerge its really nasty, since they can barley move.
Also against subs.
Why would someone build a sub, and then only go 10 feet underwater with it? really look at the scale, I measured, its about 10 to 20 feet mostly.
Even ground targeting a commander with something to hit him with AOE under water feels like a dirty thing.
I could live with it since the commander needs to go deep to be safe... sure, but no depth protects from giant metal donuts falling out of the sky... sure whatever.
But can any one else agree, that a Submarrine from the 36th century that was designed to go underwater, might go deeper then 10 feet to avoid the surface carnage? I mean that is the point of submerging right?
Would it be possible to tweak all the subs somehow to act like underwater walking units, and hug the ocean floor instead?
Or am I crazy?