You ask is the AI 'cheating'
Answer F**k Yeah
The AI does not build all those early attack units in Coop missions ...they are spawned via script triggers.
The AI has existing major bases and is producing units right from the get-go.
If you take too long to expand you will be munched-up and spat-out by the AI.
The Coop missions are an excellent addition to FAF ...there are some massive battles to be fought across some highly detailed and well drawn maps.
There is an alternative ----> TeamPlay_AI maps
On these maps you can set the difficulty so that the AI is a complete idiot and does nothing or you can use Sorian AI and have a decent enemy with no cheating. Once you are proficient at destroying AIs you can use AIx and set the
[email protected] to increase the AI strength. This is a similar strength that you are facing in a Coop mission. The difference is that in TeamPlay_AI the AIx must build a base and build all its units as there are no extra spawned units.
Search 'TeamPlay' in FAF Vault to find TeamPlay_AI maps.