I configured my router to use QoS (Quality of Service) for FA. I'm not an expert either, and I'm not sure if it makes a difference.
I have an Arcadyan VGV7519 (comes standard with my Telfort provider). QoS settings are under EXTRAS. It has a number of priority levels. These are the settings as I adjusted them:
- QoS_settings.jpg (104.58 KiB) Viewed 4975 times
Normally AF3 is not in use, AF4 is used by http and https, AF1/BE by torrent etc. I gave 15% from AF1 to AF3.
And I reassigned HTTP/HTTPS to AF3 and added lines for FA assigned to AF4.
- QoS_Traffic_Mapping.jpg (97.32 KiB) Viewed 4975 times
So in theory my router should give higher priority to FA than to downloading/uploading of housemates.
Make sure that port forwarding is done first:
http://www.faforever.com/mediawiki/inde ... nitive_fix