Herbert, look man, i know you mean well but this is a bunch of non-sense
The affinity thing might get a better score, but only because of how the test is preformed, I assure you its an artificial improvement.
Take it from a fortune 500 global IT senior admin, that has been playing Supreme Commander since 2006 (pre-release)
The average user shouldn't be poking around in msconfig, sure you can find a few things that are problems, like malware thats using some CPU cycles. Or perhaps force-ably removing installed software like Norton.
This game is probably one of the most taxing CPU intensive games you'll find out there, especially in some of the more epic ones.
The bottom line is you need something good to play it on, something with outstanding per core performance... take the i7 2600k for example.
I know a lot of people might disagree with the following, but here is 10 good rules to follow.
-Never run antivirus or any such overlay software on your gaming rig (the best antivirus is attention to details)
-Never run any kind of firewall or protective software on a gaming rig
-Never install craptasticware like Skype or BuddyIM or such on a gaming rig
-Use extreme care when browsing the internet and downloading software
-Always use a host file in windows (google "host file" click the first thing and get that)
-Check every running tasks on your OS, go down the list 1 by 1 till you have validated it all (do this once every few months)
-Remember there is no such thing as "magic fix all/clean all software" dont trust anything even stuff like CClean and Hi-jackthis are merely tools.
-Never keep mission critical data or work on your gaming rig, get an external drive or something for your stuff.
-Treat your gaming rig like a formula 1 Race car, not a custom street car, generally keep things lean and as close to mainstream setup as possible.
-Updates are fine, but not always needed, dont rush to grab the lastest version of anything enless your having issues with your current version.
In the future if you want to get more performance out of your outdated rig... do yourself a favor, dont. Its a waste of time. If you are playing FA, chances are you are putting 40min to and hour and a half into your games... if you spend a few hours mowing a yard or waiting some tables you'll have enough to build a perfectly suitable gaming rig in a week or two.
I consider anyone who plays FA with any skill at all to be a pretty serious gamer. So get out there and get yourself a serious gaming rig... you can build something that will run FA just great for under 500 bucks, i bet you could talk someone out of that kind of cash if you just try harder. The sooner you start making some cash the sooner you can lose more of your life playing FA at 60 fps with all its effects and glory enabled!