This is a work in progress.
See the following rendering of the map Crimson Feud:
Dark green are cliffs too steep to walk. Red is reclaim. Bright red is more mass-valuable reclaim. If you squint, you can see the wrecks at the top-left and bottom-right are brighter than the others, these are t2 tanks worth 250 mass. This map has 2923 mass in wrecks and 6061 mass in props (trees/rocks). This map has no civs, no water. And now you know know a lot about this map before you play it.
In ranked there is a new (to me) map called Balmy. Apparently it looks like this:
But when you play it you realise it’s really much more complicated, and not balmy at all, it’s downright evil:
I have added the red lines, which are actually impassable cliffs, which is critical to know and is completely not obvious for a long time.
Here is my version of the map preview:
It clearly shows what is passable or not, and where all of the reclaim is.
I can’t be the only person who wished they had seen this image before playing their first match on Loki:
(p.s. there is a bug here not showing all of the reclaim yet)
Another painful new (to me) map was Zorg Rampage.
This map has 63000 mass in reclaim, most of which is in the civs in the middle I guess. I’m not showing civs yet by the way. The largest rock contains only 10 mass, but combined they add up to 11426.
That is essentially the concept of the strategic preview. Now I’ll go through a few things I recently discovered about existing maps.
Forbidden Pass
Red: You can send an entire army down the red pathway, other player doesn’t have an equivalent.
Yellow: You can walk through the mountain ranges.
Pink: Is it just me or does left have way more reclaim than right?
Sathira Beach
Good to know where you can actually walk, a lot of the island looks impassable which is not true.
The dark blue (purple?) indicates where underwater units (eg: acu) cannot walk. So your ACU cannot walk to the top island but can to the bottom.
Yellow: Map problem? The top player gets an extra cliff that is quite useful, near the middle.
Regor VI Highlands
Yellow: there are pathways where you wouldn’t expect.
Fields of Thunder
Yellow: You cant walk there.
Gap of Rohan:
Yellow: Top has one gap, bottom has two? (untested)
Does top mid have more reclaim than bottom mid?
Mezmerizing Paradise:
Q. Do you have to drop on the islands? A: Some of them
Note how hostile this map is to units walking on ocean floor.
The good reclaim is in the middle
This map is so simple, yet it took me a while to understand it (without the benefit of this image).
Does bottom left have more reclaim than top right? Looks like it (you have to consider brightness as well as volume)
Canis 4v4
I can visualize the chokepoints so much better now.
Tabula Rasa
I can visualize the chokepoints so much better now.
Craftious Maximus
Would be good for new players.
Twin Rivers
The first few times I played this I didn’t know you had to drop the islands, didn’t know back spot was protected by cliff, didn’t know about reclaim in middle.
Cobalt Valley
Just because it is pretty. I guess it’s also useful to know about those side passages on the sides.
- Show mex, hydro, start positions
- Show civs
- Fix bugs
- Different colour water if can submerge acu
- Improve the legibility of reclaim.
Basically the strategic preview aims to prepare a player for battle. Where do you have to drop? Where is the reclaim? Where are the civs? How much reclaim is there? Where can you walk?
I’d love to see it in the lobby, so you can come up with a plan before the game starts.
I’d love to see it in the loading screen, so you can think whilst it’s loading (ranked).
I’d love to see it in the game itself, and just display my version instead of the real map.
Doubt any of that is possible except the first one.
If there is any interest I could post updates, or make a website, or send them somewhere, or something.
From a technical point of view, to do this I had to load the map files to get the heightmap and position of the props and wrecks (thank you Hazard X for map loading code). I then loaded the FA/FAF lua files to work out the mass value of the props and wrecks. I did all that in C#