First some basic background about my modding. I only have very basic modding knowledge. All I can do so far is modify unit blueprints and implement them. So, for example I can change the speed or build range of an ACU or I can change the Mass and Energy cost of a unit. Anything else in the unit.bp file that I understand I can also change, obviously.
However, if I want to make slightly more complicated changes I cannot do them yet. For example, I want to give the ACU a speed of 0 at start of game (can't move) and I think I can do that in the unit.bp by setting speed to 0. However, then I want to tie the (re-)gaining of the ability to walk to certain upgrades. For example, I would want the gun upgrade or the T2 upgrade of the ACU to give back to the ACU the ability to walk at standard speed. How and where would I add the conditional statement that "if T2 upgrade or Gun upgrade is done then set ACU walk speed to speed x "? Actually, I would go further than that and any ACU upgrade except the super cheap one like UEF drone would give the ACU back his normal walking speed.
My learning style is that I learn by example. If people can give me an example of how to implement the above then I will make a big leap in my understanding of modding, thanks.
Note: You might question the wisdom of the change to ACU walking ability. I have a vision of a less tactical and more strategic mod. It would be very different from standard FAF Sup Com. Standard FAF is perfect for what it is. I figure on a very different mod that is almost like a new game in gameplay style and economy but still uses all the familiar units and weapons. Stopping early ACU charges or rushes is consistent with this concept. Early expansion will have to occur more by engies and T1 units without ACU assistance or interference. Of course, there are senses in which this will make the game more strategic and also senses in which T1 tactics could be intensified without other changes.
There are various other changes I would make but I don't want to bore people with too long a screed here. Suffice it to say that I want LABs to take a more classic infantry role. LABs would continue to be useful for much of T1 land phase. LABs and tanks would interact more like classic infantry and tanks. How I would achieve that is an open question. The LABs' standard weapon would be less effective on tanks and structures. A new more expensive T1 LAB type would probably be necessary to mix with standar LABs; one with a anti-tank rocket. I might also implement T1 crawling anti-tank mines which when placed still are invisible to tanks but LABs can spot them and shoot them. Thus advancing tanks would need LAB screening troops to spot and kill immobile crawling mines. This is just one example of the concepts I have in mind.
I would try to more consistently theme bots, wheeled/tracked vehicles and hovers. Hovers will be light and fast in a straight line, have little armour but be hard to turn. Bots would be fast and manouverable and have medium armour. Tracked vehicles would have the heaviest armour and be slower but still manouvreable and provide heaviest hitting power. T1 hovers will probably not exist for any faction or else will exist for all factions. Engies will still be amphibious. T3 tracked tanks will become necessary for all factions and will hit heavier even than T3 Bricks, Percies etc but not have Bricks and Percies "walk under water" ability.
I will move the economy from a high exponential growth model to a more linear growth model. There are ways to do that which I won't go into here. The reason for doing it is that high exponential growth exaggerates the outcomes of early tactical victories which cause huge subsequent differences to the eco growth path. A linear growth path means it is more possible to recover from small early tactical setbacks and still play a strategic game. Large early tactical setbacks will still result in a lost game though. I would reduce the reclaim gain from wrecks to a lower percentage. Sorry, I rambled on more than I promised. But that should give some idea of what I envisage.