And why is all discuse about rating locked ? No free speech here?
We had perfect system, but it is go even worse and worse, what you had against rating? It is not number for balance, it is number how good i am, it was perfect why you want to corrupt it?
yeah people play it for rating too. Its 200% more fun for me when know that something i get from victory, and dont blame yourself about learning, and good fealing from game...
Im sure that im not only one who enjoy game with rating more like whitout.
Why dont alow people who dont want to know how rating they had hide it, and another see it, whats wrong on it when i know how good im in number.
do you think that profi chess player play chess it for good feeling from game, or from world rating and tourney cvalification? Yes of course many say they play it for good fealing and etc, but do thay play it so lot whitotu rating, i dont think so.
This doesnt help nobody, only make angry many people. It is same like say, money are ussles and money are evil, remove them from world. it will never work !
About engimod integrate we vote, why about rating in game not? It is much bigger change and would be implement(corrupted) by few people decision?