Name any way you won, or killed another commander that is a good and creative way to think of (for example a land scout spam), or perfectly executed (mercies), or very rare (no mercies - it was the case at some point).
One of my favourites: I was playing a phantom game and I knew I was going to lose if the game dragged on longer, so I tried telemazering or nuking one of the phantoms. However, he was a seraphim and had an Ythota and some good PDs nearby, so I couldn't: too much HP on the ACU and DPS nearby for the laser+death damage to kill him. He also had one SMD.
So I killed the SMD by telemazer, and got killed in the process (obviously). He ran away as I teleported in, mentioned "that hurt" and walked back as soon as I got killed and destroyed a good portion of the base by doing so, at which point one of the other players said "what hurts is that he killed your smd". The nuke then hit him straight on the ACU.