As title says, I (need/want/have to) rename maps (as well as their all respective files and folder that stores them) before I can use them (I want to throw something out of the window simply by peeking at file names like "Durr1234" - Desert Oasis example here).
- I just need to know how renaming works in this game (When I did same thing for my Unreal Tournament 3 installation it was like renaming all the files and changing respective filenames in MAPNAME.INI file in every map folder - was a lot of work but now I have my own mappack that's standarized and recognizable).
If someone feel like having a little order in his files I can send renamed maps back - no problem.
[EDIT] Also - how can I check if map have some silly restrictions built-in like no nukes or no artillery? I don't trust every author to post this information in his map description and I wouldn't bother downloading restricted maps if I knew which ones are they (it's better to use global restriction instead of having restricted map - I remember there is something like this in options when creating game in Forged Alliance).