First of all: Hello everyone, I'm new guy here (but in no way new to the game itself). I just installed my heavily dusted copy of FA to play it again (not many RTS out here and PA still have a long way to go). As I allways like to have something new (even if I install long abandoned games) I did a quick research (actually 4-5 hours worth of research) and I pretty much know what I want from the game for now (this is not yet the part with long list of questions ).
1) FAF-Patched Game (not necessarily FAF itself) - this is most recent, balanced and stable version according to my research so it's the way to go.
2) BlackOps Complete (which means BlackOps Unleashed, BlackOps ACU upgrade, BlackOps Special Units) here is the new part. When I uninstalled my FA long time ago BOU was still one big beta that smelled with a "mod" 5 miles away. Now it looks more like a decent expansion, pretty much balanced and long supported. Also I like having most of SupCom2 experimentals in game (even though they are named differently).
So I managed to download the 2 things above and here come the questions:
I. BlackOps related;
- What version of BlackOps is most recent? For some unknown reason (may be my tired eyes) I'm quite sure I've seen somethingV7 downloading via FAF (after clicking create BOU game). Which is strange because in FAF vault there is V6 and internet shows V6.04 as most recent.
- Are there any differences between what I can download here ( and what is downloaded via FAF?
- Can I somehow compare the files (I can't find where FAF stores mod files and patch files)? General rule says that if files are identical in size they are identical in any other way...
- Does FAF version of BlackOpsUnleashed unclude BlackOps:Advanced Command Units, BlackOps:Special Weapons, BlackOps:Naval Rebalance?
- If answer to question above is negative - how can I add them?
II. FAF related;
- How can I launch game itself (to play with bots) with multiple mods? I found somewhere here example of adding /init"blahblah" to the .exe file in bin directory but I didn't find any example of doing it with multiple /init lines. This question is strongly related to two questions above (submods to BOU), although I consider playing with Nomads as well (would be nice to have both).
- Can I use FAF to set up LAN game or do I need to use built-in-game lobby to connect to my friends?
III. Custom Installer related;
- Is there any way to cook custom installer for a PC (my netbook) that will install FAF-Patches and BOU files? I'm thinking about custom .rar that unpacks everything into correct folders but to do so I must first gather all the files that I need inside that .rar... I need to isolate patch files that affect game itself, mod files (if FAF-BOU is somehow different/better then the generic one I already downloaded from the internet) and maybe take LOBBY too if it can be used to play offline.
1) Have a game installed offline (I have CD),
2) Have all the patches installed offline if possible (2 on CD, but the most important 3623 is from FAF),
3) Have everything BOU has to offer installed offline if possible,
4) Have some new maps installed offline (FAF seems to have the biggest map-pack to choose from available anywhere),
5) Be able to play against bots (sorlan AI, cause I believe normal AI wont work with mod anyway),
6) Be able to play against my friends via LAN (after repeating steps 1-4 above for their PC's).
Thanks in advance for answers to my exceptionally long post.
P.S. 1-6 are not really questions but are open to comments as well if You see that I'm not getting some nuance properly.
P.S.2. If someone gets the impression that I dislike any online-based services - that's partially true. I hate DRM and I have trouble trusting anything that's not physically in my possession (not to mention GPG is the very proof that nothing lasts forever). I have nothing against FAF at all (why should I - maybe I even start playing online at some point) but being able to store everything on my Pendrive to install with one->few clicks offline is really a big thing for me.