I noticed that aircrash damage is inconsistent and weird for transports. They are as follows (Sourcing from the unit list, which I assume up-to-date http://www.faforever.com/faf/unitsDB/):
All factions: 100 dmg, 1 radius
Aeon/Cybran: 0 dmg
UEF/Seraphim: 25 dmg, 1 radius
UEF: 25, 3 radius
I think this is weird and that we need a discussion about what the values should be.
In my opinion, T2 should definitely do more damage over a larger radius than T1 -- and no air unit should ever have 0 aircrash damage.
It would make sense that the larger the aircraft is, the more radius -- i.e. cybran skyhook having more damage radius than aeon chariot -- and ofc. the huge continental should do more damage than a tiny T1 transport when it crashlands on those poor engies