Hey guys! I wanna ask u something, do u wanna play a new campaign, cause we (or at least me u.u) love the story/campaign missions!
This campaign will be made for multiple players, with different spawn and different targets.
6 maps i hope, with progressive difficulty, with times scores (if lobby allows), a new tab (cause won't be simple coop missions, but even versus missions (3v1+Story Players, etc...), in zep and lobby allows)
The story will be something like this:
Nomads were a big part of the UEF empire, they lived at the borders of the galaxy, bla bla bla bla bla, they were exiled and they were angry, so after seraphim fall they decided to attack the hearth, weak and half destroyed after sera Ahwassa bombardaments (u know they are cool lol),
1: first mission will see nomads attack on the earth, u will have to defend united nations (UEF, Cybrans and Aeon) HQ, trying at the same time to kill Nomads commanders.
2: players fallen in a ambush
3: gotta capture Alsace-Lorraine for resources boost (yhea.. like in the real wars u.u)
4: don't know
5: :/ ?
6: eheheh last missionmaybe they rebuilded Black sun (shots t4 nukes)? or rebuilded the arch (that spam only t4 units lol)? or captured the united nations congress? don't know, will see :=)
Right now i'm lonely, but i have the support of FunkOff to script the maps i hope some mappers will help and that u like the idea
Let me know
i know i've writed very bad, but it was a fast writing