Having discussed deliberate team killing in #aeolus and being unable to find a dedicated thread/topic here, Parp just wanted to record an incident to the forum so that the user in question is recorded as a team killer and it's searchable in case anyone has a similar problem with the player in the future.
The replay UID is 1366119
The team killing player was the highest ranked player in the game.
The team killer inherited Parp's base after killing Parp.
Parp did not return hostilities, force fire or reclaim anything belonging to the player. Parp did try get close to the player's ACU in the hope that it would afford Parp some protection. As well as the questionable act of team killing through force firing, Parp also believes that the player achieved a significant tactical advantage upon inheriting Parp's eco and units.
Parp will no longer be accepting the player into any Parp Hosted Games©. The player in question is DarkSide19.