I remember it vividly. I got it when it first came out, I even have my old account on the GPG forums, registered in February 2007, man I loved that year. Not just because SupCom came out but because I was 17, full of optimism, with my whole life ahead of me! But I was going through some difficult times though, what with being an "adult" in a years time, which got me making weird threads like this one:
We had a broadband modem, but not a router so I had to take my Packard Bell Craptop to the living room to link it to the modem (as I had to do when I played TA online as well) and then I was able to play. It went slowly on large maps but maps like Theta's Passage, Winter's duel and Sentry Point being the stable of my time playing SupCom Vanilla.
Eventually I quit SupCom before FA came out because my comp was too slow for me to enjoy it and didn't return to it until earlier this year.
So how old were you and what was life like for you when SupCom came out?