i think i should start this at some point, many players of you should have something to post here
it is yet unsure whether there will be a second tourney like this, but i've often heard that idea was good in theory, maybe the real test just failed, it was time management, tourney management (by me), mappool or whatsoever. this is what this thread is for
please make sure your posts are not offensive
this thread is aiming to improve the rest of the tourney as well as maybe a future one
some ideas what you could use
the general idea
rating limits (for signups, for games)
time limits for matches
BO3, veto
mappool (more maps? less? some maps too hard in imbalanced matches?)
other rules (e.g. player exchange)
organisation/maintaining the running tourney
transperency of map selection, my own map/rating choices
if you don't want to complain in public, pm me, i'll post it here but won't tell names
- good general idea
- tourney was too long already
- people mostly unexperienced
- be more strict (take it or leave)
- too many rules
- change nothing during the running tourney
- more information of players (when they got time, timezones, ...)
- more players per team
- request a teamcaptain who organzises games etc
- post all maps/ratings right at the beginning
- longer time per round
- fixed time for games (2)
- no fixed time for games (2)
- maybe seperate times to choose from