OK sorry if this seams like a rant to some people but the flak I have encountered in the past few days is just crazy.
I am only a recent member of this community and found out about this community through casts, and it seemed that everyone was happy with one another. However, after a few weeks playing, as of late I have been receiving a lot of crap from some regarding my higher than average ping or just the sheer assumption that I will lag the game up because I am from Aussie. Now some may say that these people are joking and they may be right, but its different when people tell you that they don't want you joining there game ever again.
So please, the community of FAF, can we please have some tolerance. Sure there may be a tad bit of lag from time to time and it my be caused from people who live half across the world from you but this is a world wide community. If the lag is not to the point where it freezes the whole game up for long period of time/permanently then give it a chance, I am pretty sure you will have more fun and barley notice the lag if you just ignore it. No game will ever be perfect.
If you have gotten to this point, thanks for reading.