by Nombringer » 06 May 2013, 11:43
Heres what I posted on the Pa forums in regard to the same topic, Ta also made a great post as well.
Feel free to disagree
Build TIME between units is no longer a factor, and this IS a souce of depth.
For instance, in supreme commander, experimentals are actually hidiously INefficient, by this I mean they lose halariously in a frontal fight, agianst equal resouces of tech three land.
Tech three land, in most cases, has more DPS and more health. Why then, are expermeantals built? They allow you to quickly divert you economy to them, withought a huge amount of buildpower. Thia allows you to quickly capitalise on reclaimables, and eject them into you economy, likewise tech three mex extractors, have a very high rate of drain, and allow the fast and effective use of recliamables withought the need to divert huge amounts of buildpower.
High build rate things also allow you to deliberately "stall" your economy, so you can priortise mass distribution.
This open a a diverse range of tactics and units, and and provides depth, as opposed to purely striveing for efficientcy. A recent MOD has been introduced to FAF and one of the main problems with is tech three landspam, as the mod effectively removed the limits of build capacity you could have on units produced at a factory.
Tldr:I think it will work with Pa and the two tier system, but will nevr be a good addition to supcom.
BC_Blackheart: i just copy his shit and do it 5% better leads to easy win usually xD
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