And it's good that you have one, it's useful.
A little rant to blow off some steam.
Now that I've got your attention :
It seems that some people think that I'm a little prick that can't take critics, don't listen to others, or only when their opinion goes in the same way than mine.
Here are some facts :
- I'm doing FAF on my free time. I've got a job and a personal life.
- I'm doing it for myself. I want to play FA forever.
- I'm doing it because it's fun.
Now, I will hurt your ego : You are not the only one having ideas of how it should be. A lot of people are contacting me everyday.
Another fact :
I must take every decision. I'm not bragging. I'm not saying that "I can make any decision". The difference is important.
I must decide the shape of a button, the color of the background, text fonts, colors, orders of the menus.
I must decide how a tool will be made.
I must decide what will be in the next patch. When it's ready for release.
Mainly because I'm the only one doing it. But hopefully I've got some help (Ubergeek, funkoff, Raging, moritz, Batto, I hope I'm not forgetting anybody).
Yet another fact :
I can't please everyone. But I'm trying. As I have to take countless decisions, the chances that you are not agreeing with me are pretty huge. In fact, it's almost impossible that you can agree with all my decisions. And again, that's only because I'm the only one making them, so of course you can't disagree with someone else..
I've have two main reactions :
- xxxxx is crap. You shouldn't do it like that.
- I don't like xxxxx. If you want I can help, here are some ideas.
Now, guess to whom I will listen.
Not liking something is normal. But really, I don't care that you don't like it.
It's not that I don't like you, or feel superior, but, again, sorry for your ego, but you are not the only human being with an opinion.
Now you are maybe the greatest mind of the century, always right about everything, but yet, I don't know you, so you still have to prove that your opinion is better than another.
Now if you come with an opinion AND some facts, and even better, helping hands or ideas, then I will care.
Real example of a good way to tell me something :
CSoller doesn't like the look of the lobby. He wants to help and ask for the lobby template. I gave him, but it's not really easy, so I've done that : ... tomization.
Now he is working on a new CSS, sometimes he got a problem with a font or something. I can't extend the system right now by lack of time, but I don't reject his propositions.
Real example of a bad way to tell me something :
(It's not a personal attack, but one example).
We (mainly ubergeek) are trying to make tourney tools. We lack some hands, so I've decided to use challonge.
Of course, it need to be tested, so I'm deciding that all tourney should try use it, as a test run before going further.
All the drama is here :
Prince doesn't like to be forced to use that tool. Problem is : I don't give him choice, except if he got concern about the tools.
Koecher tell me you can't do swiss tourney with it, a false claim, you can. I asking again what's wrong with the tool.
Nothing came up except "I don't like it".
Fact is : I don't care if he doesn't like it. We need tools, it's a solution, so except if it proven bad-idea, it will be the solution.
Prince decide to cancel the tourney, and I look as the bad guy telling others how to do things.
Hopefully, after talking to Prince, all was sorted out, and he understood why I'm doing that.
It was a bad way because of a simple fact : It was an opinion, not a constructive critic.
Other examples :
- Moritz didn't like the fact that replays aren't saved locally. My idea was to wait for a replay vault. He had some good points, and I've listen to him, replays are saved locally now.
- I don't care about Sorian AI. All I know about them is that they desync games. Never tried them. If it was just me, I would remove all the AI of all multiplayer games. Still, some people got really good points, so I made it a top priority for next patch.
- Koecher thinks I'm splitting community. He rant a lot about it, I've ignored it. Then he came with some good concerns about tourneys, and we've found some solutions (cross-awards between gpg and FAF). He still rant about splitting community, I'm still waiting for some ideas, until then, I'm ignoring him.
And that's my whole points : I take critics when they are some facts or ideas behind.
Other example : The balance.
Some people doesn't like "my" changes (even they are not mine, but GPG and top players ones, heavily tested on Moritz FA-ladder for years).
Except "I don't like them", I still yet too see any prove that the changes are bad. Some people tried, but it was hardly enough :
I'm asking for replays and numbers, I never saw any of that yet.
"Most people want 3599 !" : viewtopic.php?f=2&t=187
Four people kinda want it.
I take critics when they are critics, not opinions. If you feel that I don't listen to your ideas, that's maybe because there is no ideas. If you really think you've got some, then speak ! Open a thread ! Do whatever you want, but don't spread shit on my back just because I've hurt your ego.
And, of course, it may seems that I only want/listen to guys having the same opinion than me.
Think differently : It seems that way because I've listened to them and now FAF is a little more like they want, not necessarily like I want.